New Goals and a New Personal Commandment

May 14, 2010 18:44

Personal Commandments
1. Only I can make myself happy.
2. Happiness is a choice.
3. Don't be quick to judge.
4. Compliment more and criticize less.
5. Set goals for each day and force myself to get started.
6. Enjoy the process.
7. Do not ruminate on bad memories or upsetting things.
8. Help someone or compliment someone in some way every day.
9. Tell people how thankful I am for them and what they do.
10. Be myself.
11. When there is a problem, state what the problem is and drop it (don't keep complaining).
12. Don't hurt myself (because that hurts other people, too).
13. Enjoy the small pleasures of each day.
14. Let go of needing to be in control of everything that happens in my life or others' lives.
15. Be kind to myself and to all other people, animals, and other living things.
Edit: 16. Relax -- Don't worry

Also I want to spend less time on the internet so I get more done and maybe teach myself to focus better. Starting Monday I'm going to try just checking LiveJournal, Facebook, and my email twice a day (morning and night). I will write out all my emails at once and send them. I will stay off instant messengers, but I'm rarely on Windows Live already, so that should be easy. I will continue making as many posts to LiveJournal as I want, though, as I think the writing is very helpful for me and I like keeping such a detailed record. Also I feel inspired since the bad incident to send out more query letters and keep up with my art and writing.

These are my new daily goals:
1. Internet stuff in the morning
2. Write at least one page of fiction (preferably more, and definitely more while writing novels)
3. Write at least one poem
4. Prepare a query or something related to a query every day
(I have a book on agents and publishers, but it's 5 years old, but may help me locate people online since I imagine more now have websites and online querying -- it's more efficient and cheaper).
5. Do art daily
(either painting or drawing -- when I can, get a big sketchbook and some graphite sticks)
6. Internet stuff at night

And, in general, start buying "fun" stuff only at the end of the month when I see I have the money to spend -- not at the beginning of the month which leads to too much spending.

art, the happiness project, internet, writing, goals

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