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Feb 15, 2006 18:12

4 day weekend

well this weekend was long to say the least, and it was fun too

we had a 4-day weekend for some reason, but i'm ok with that... on friday I slept a lot, then andrew and austin came over and we watched WAITING, its a funny movie ya'll should watch it. then they left and i had dinner and that was that...

saturday i austin, ozzie, larry (james), andrew and i decided to go bowling, seeing that jrmy hadn't called about any football... mandy calls me to see what was up and she decided to tag along or well i invited her too, i picked her up and saw her cuzin's cool 645i (i had to mention it!!)... we went bowling and there was this jerk who was all hitting on her there, he had the crappies mohawk hair cut in the history of them. anywho, we played 2 games i won one and got LAST PLACE on the 2nd game- talk about polar opposites! After that we went to Shipleys and then to tcby to annoy miles and tait, which was fun... then at last i went and dropped ozzie at his house and went to austins with andrew, we played some MADDEN 06 there then left to cyberium for the lock-in. the lock-in was uneventful for the most part until michael got KICKED OUT!! haha I'll let him tell the story but yea....

then sunday morning i go and drive duncan home, and on the way back, at Kimberly and Kirkwood i notice my car is smokin, so i pull over, open the hood, notice its the radiator fan that had broken and started melting! i was pissed, i call my mom yadda yadda yadda.... then sunday afternoon i go to austins house and play video games, then i came home and myspaced

monday i got my car taken to the shop and picked it up... that was about it

how was ya'lls weekend?
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