Hey people who reads this loser's el jay! Just wanted to give a BIG thanks to everyone over at
favorite_son for all the help yesterday! So I just thought I'd tell you how my day went =] . . .
Morning: Didnt feel like going to school [OBVIOUSLY] ; so I ended up going in late. Got there right before gym. So today was mismatch day. Now everyone claims that I never match [I guess that's why I get so much crap from them] and today on MISMATCH day; I'm matching. But you know what I just said to everyone who said "Why arent you mismatchiiiiing?" . . . I said "Because today is 'Dress Like Zalex Day' and I'm to busy watching everyone dress like me! It's a day all about me!" [Zalex is my nickname] So it wasnt tooo bad. Not the greatest day but I had fun saying that; though not THATTT many people asked me. Mebbe only 6 people or so.
Well anyway; the best part of my day was after school I took my crappy skateboard and attempted to board down to Coconuts and I bought guess what....
A USED 1,039/SMOOTHED OUT SAPPY HOURS AND A NEW WARNING CD!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!! And I took the Retard Bus home and asked the bus driver about that lady who says "STOP REQUESTED" ! JOANNA AND ANNA YOUD BETTER READ THIS!!! =]=] But you know what... when I get a new cd i dont usually like it at first until I'm used to it. And guess what else!? I'VE ALWAYS THOUGHT BILLIE JOE SOUNDS ENGLISHY OR SOMETHING WHEN SINGING!!!! WOOOO!!! I THOUGHT HE WAS SAYING GASOLINE NOT CASTAWAY!!!! =x`