Oct 08, 2009 10:09
Spoons tagged me. yey?
1- Post the rules.
2- Each tagged person must tell 8 things about themself.
3- At the end you must tag 8 people and put their icon in your journal.
4- Then go to their page and leave a comment saying you tagged them.
5- No tag backs.
1. I'm in college and typing this from the middle of the cafeteria. Butte is a Junior College/Community College. It's 2 years, I'm transferring, it's like college + high school, only not as cool as Chico High was.
2. I cannot live with people who are not near me in levels of intellect and like it. It took me all of two days to decide, YES, I could live with my best friend (previously it was thought we would kill each other in a week). Moreover, in an at of revenge I plan on having a live Christmas tree in the dorm. This tree will need to be smuggled in. At 3 am. Because there shouldn't be anyone asleep at that time.
3. I have a near phobia/extreme dislike of ants. I do not like them. We had an ant investation in the dorms. This lead to me going home for the weekend. (I found one or five on the bed, after that I knew that any little tickle would be an ant crawling on me and I would not sleep.)
4. On a more positive note, I am doing the art for a graphic novel that my new friend (from the honors program) has written. It is going well.
5. I am wearing a wicked awesome L shirt. I would take a picture but my camera broke.
6. I have plans to get my bellybutton pierced.
7. I do not want to get the Swine Flue vaccination because I think it involves a shot of something up my nose. Actually, the whole shot thing freaks me out. I do not like needles and nearly fainted/threw up last time I gave blood.
8. I have a rare blood type. AB+, the universal receiver. See how useless it is for me to give blood?
So yes, I'm in college. Not as fun as it could've been. Thank God for the honors program. I'm still running cross-country. Stupid Cupid is not dead. Playing With Fire lives on (and gets an epic pre-quel). And yeah. I live too.