May 11, 2004 02:16
It is hard for me to put what I am feeling into words. The day started out like any other. I reported to work at 6:15 AM; at aproximatly 6:30 Kevin aproached me and told me i was being transfered to a new project, This was no suprise as we had made little to no progress harmonic energy pannels in over a year. Kevin told me that the board had been impressed with my work(despite the lack of significant progress) and had specificaly aske that I be assigned to the new top priority project: Flash Back. When I asked Kevin what flash back was his eyes lit up and he could not contain a cheek to cheek grin. "We're building a time machine." I was certin he was ribbing me but he assured me he was serious. A time machine I couldnt belive it. As a kid i would read comic books about time lost adventurers but never had i belived it possible I would be one. As it turns out Flash Back is not a time machine in the traditinal sense. What it is is a super powerful telescope capable of traviling many times the speed of light. With this machine we will be able to see back into earths past by placing Flash Back as many ligt years away as we want to peer back. Thus by placing it 100 ligtyears away we can see 100 years into the past. The technology required for this is staggering. Omo Sirkugaga,The head of the Japanese branch of the institute, is heading up the development of the telescope, While Fritz Kirkgaurd Germanies formest propulsion expert is said to be close to perfect the technique for faster than light propulsion. We are in charge of cooridination and data gathering and it will be our branch which will do the actual viewing of the past. I am realy excited and hope this project bears more fruit that the harmonic energy pannels.