Title: suspended angels
unholygraceSeries: Supernatural.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean, Sam - mentions of others.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Sam breaks one of Bobby's things. Poor humor. '09 Christmas fic. Dialogue only.
Notes/Warning: Crap fic. Working on '09 Christmas request fics now. BRB!
“Dude... Sam, you broke Bobby's star.”
“Think he'll notice? I mean, terrible thing to say, but he can't really see the top of the tree anymore, right?”
“Sam, it's Bobby. He noticed when I accidentally ripped a page out of a book he never read when I was five.”
“He's gonna kill me, isn't he?”
“Pft. Forget the Apocalypse. Death by Bobby sounds more likely. I think that star's been in his family since, like, the 20's or something.”
“Shit, shit, shit! What do we do?”
“What do you mean 'we', Sammy? You broke it.”
“I'll just flash Bobby those puppy dog eyes you always talk about and tell him it's your fault, too.”
“Thank you, Cain.”
“What're we gonna do, Dean?”
“Think Cas'll fit on the tree?”
“God, I want to be there when you ask him.”