Yeah, I'm definitely a firebender.

Sep 24, 2006 23:19

What's Your Element? For Everybody! Awesome Avatar Pics!

You're like my sister. Everything always came easy to her. She's a fire bending prodigy and everyone adores her. Father says she was born lucky; he says I was lucky to be born. But I don't need luck, I don't want it. I've had to struggle at everything and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am.-Zuko, The Siege of the NorthYou are FIRE! You're a pyro and you love anything fire. You're very passionate and you love 'heating things up' with you lover. You are romantic, devilish, evil, life giving yet deadly, and you love being you and nobody else. Your life revolves around fun and enjoyment, nothing else really matters. Your power comes from the breath, and the core. Your power comes from anger, and the angrier you get the more power you can unleash. You aren't lucky, and you'd like to keep it that way. You know about honor and valor, and you have extreme power and potential. You can be something great, and you want to achieve that greatness. You want to earn wings of fire, not have them made for you. You are fire, and you are the everburning life. Fire brings life, and it causes death. Fire is the key. It always has been and it will continue to be, burning forever, never ceasing to light up the darkness, yet creating the darkness it illuminates. You are fire, and you love it. Don't change it. Keep being who you are, and learn to understand the everlasting flame that burns deep within you.
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