Random Ramblings of the Sick and Depraved

Sep 21, 2006 09:34

Ugh, I am getting sick. I was a little worried last night because my throat was a little sore whenever I swallowed. This morning it's full on swollen lymph nodes, achey feeling, mild headache, and it hurts a bit to swallow, and I can feel the start of wonderful mucousy-ness. This is more than likely what was going around work. As I recall it was a 24-48 hour bug for the people who got it. *sigh* I just hope I don't have to miss out on work tomorrow. They aren't going to take too kindly to me taking a day off after having 2 1/2 days off in a row.

Gargh, I want more Avatar. I want to get the Complete Book 1 collection. It's all over ebay and Amazon. I could get a good deal... Only four of the episodes would be new for me, though. See the problem with borrowing cartoons and anime from friends is that you get very lazy about buying it yourself. It's like why should I buy it when I know they will and I can just mooch? XP Except Firefly. I went out and bought the whole thing myself after watching two episodes. Then bought Serenity right after. I did buy Get Backers manga... but that was sort of a result of Comic-Con fever.

Oh yeah, I have to go to Psych class tonight. I only have about three pages to read before then. Speaking of homework, I need to start looking into my Psych paper. It's not due until the end of the semester, but in two weeks, she wants 3 of our sources. I turned in my thesis last week, which was a last minute BS'd thing. It'll work though. Only 4-6 pages. Not the biggest paper I've written. Not the smallest.

I want the Vash cosplay glasses. Not that I'd be cosplaying him any time soon, if ever. I just want them.

Mythbusters was cool last night. They wanted to see if putting your finger into the barrel of a shotgun as it fired would cause the gun to "banana peel" and explode in the shooter's face. Well, that didn't happen but when they used a ballistic jelly finger, the barrel actual bowed out a little! The hand was destroyed, but that was awesome.

There was an awesome rock video on last night.... I can't remember the name of it or the band. It was a take on The Shining and the lead singer was confronted with his "twin" (which was rendered very well) and they were screaming/singing these intense lyrics right in each other's face. It was very nice, especially since it was done so well. Mel, you would like it.

life, work

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