Crazy out of my mind

Jun 30, 2006 19:43

Alright, alright. Two more sources to go and one more text ref, then I can start getting into the meat of this paper. Bless the two of you who helped me out!

After my bitchy storm out earlier, I actually went downstairs and read two chapters for my other class. Dear god, am I actually becoming that much of a geek? I mean, not that that's a bad thing. Just. Wow. (Ironically one of the chapters was on cardiovascular disease and one big risk factor they discussed at length? Stress. HA.)

Man, I really wish some of you people lived around here. I really want to have dinner with someone tonight.

Well, I did some research on my midterm. I think I may close the book on that one tonight and pick it up again on Sunday. Goal for Sunday: finish getting sources and add on a couple more pages. Then, until it's due, keep editing and make it shiny. I do realize the real reason for starting papers early: It's so that when you have your initial OMGICANTDOTHISITHURTS!, it doesn't fuck you up royally. Once that's out of the way, you can proceed with the essay.

Okay, I can't believe it's 8:00. What the hell?

EDIT: Veggie ground meat tacos. Made 'em myself and they weren't half bad. I've also discovered Tabasco sauce. Shut up, I'm a late bloomer.


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