All around the world statues crumble for me!!

Dec 10, 2005 21:58

Wow, long time no halfway decent update.

This week has been nothing but crazy. I've spent every morning and evening at a co-workers house taking care of all six of her dogs You read that right. Six. Sweet damn dogs though... Four snazzy Greyhounds, one crazy terrier, and a Chinese Crested named Tinkerbell... Bad Christmas song reference. Sorry about that. Anyway, Grace has been in Texas all this past week and her husband, Phoenix, was stuck in Orange County, so the kids have been my responsibility. I didn't mind getting up an hour early to deal with them before work, but this was my finals week, which meant a lot of late nights. On Friday I was so tired I was just comical. Nothing could have phased me that day. 'What? I missed the memo? It's all good dude..." I just couldn't care about a damn thing. It was pretty refreshing, though.

I'm still waiting for my grades to come out. I do have one more final on Thursday but it's just for English, and her tests are pretty stress-free. After that, this semester is done!

Yesterday I meant to go to a mini art gallery for a short time before heading to Grace's house to give her dogs the extra attention I'd been promising them all week. (They're that sweet. They deserve some major love.) I had promised the coffee store owners that I would try really hard to show up for at least a little while. And then I planned to have a phone convo with Erin to catch up while I was there. Well, all of that got completely blown out of the water when Phoenix called and said he was back in town and in line for Narnia and wanted to know if I could join him. I agreed, because I've been hurting for some social activities lately mostly due to school. It was fun to hang out with him. He's a very amusing and intelligent person. He's a movie dork like me so we had a great time.

And Narnia was just awesome! I loved it! I went out and bought the entire collection of the Chronicles of Narnia (damn good deal at $15) and I've started reading it. The movie was strange though, because at times the special effects are so stunning you couldn't believe that what you were seeing is fake... but other things (fairly unimportant ones) came across as way too fake. I nearly squeed out loud when I read the credits and saw that Liam Neeson did the voice of the Lion. The casting was incredible. That movie is so much love.

After the movie, Phoenix and I hung out and just chatted about anything and everything. From freaky height increasing surgeries, gays, and kinky crap to the weather, school, the stars, travel, and life changing decisions. Very casual conversation. It was well worth ditching the art gallery (since I can look up the art any time I feel brave enough to face the people that I ditched) =X

Today I went to Kohl's to see if I could track down some decent winter garb. They were having a huge sale, conviently, so I nabbed a few items. I love this grey sweater that I almost didn't buy. It's nice and heavy and actually flattering. By the way, it might be a good idea to never ever try and buy me a sweater. I am picky. Why are the vast majority of sweaters ugly as sin? It's like... there is a massive conspiracy in our local department stores to make the most hideous pieces of fabric on the face of the earth and try to pass it off as wearable. Seriously. And god, no turtlenecks. They make my face look fat. /sweater rant

It's sad that the Christmas exchange gift for mystee's party is something I think I want to keep. =P

My EEG is Monday. I'm fairly apprehensive about it. Not so much the head probes themselves, but more as to what kind of state I'll be in after the exposure to the lights, the breathing, and the sleep deprivation. Hmm.... I should proably get a cheap hat of some sort to cover my head after the test. It's going to be full of gel and crap. Fun.

Speaking of sleep deprivation, I have a long appointment with my bed to attend to. So I'll be off!

health, life

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