Dec 13, 2004 20:53
i have had a terrible fucking day.
i got into math today and i was looking through my folder and i found my take home test that was due on wednesday just sitting in my folder. it was just sitting there. i have no idea what the hell i was thinking or why it didnt get turned in but it didnt. so, i have to pleade with milburn tomorrow to get any credit for it. if she doesnt give me credit...i will fail the class. that means community college here i come. nothing wrong with that i mean i just had my hopes up to move away from this hell whole i call my house.
i got to choir and we were singing and practicing for a concert thing we are having on thursday. so, we were practicing this song we have in yiddish and no one got the rhythm right but this one girl thought she had it all right and she seemed pretty proud of herself. she didnt get it right, she was wrong just like everyone else. so me, being the cruel bitch i am, told her that she was wrong. i felt really bad after i said it but somehow i also felt no desire to apologize. i do feel bad...even if you think i am completely cold not. im not going to say anything to anyone anymore. i feel even worse that it was bad enough for someone else to point out.
so i got to work and it wasnt to bad. we only had five babies beans right? well, it was kristals first day and she had this beg meeting with my boss, deb. so deb mentions to kristal that they are planning on firing jessica and that they are going to need her to work full time in the afternoons to cover once jess is gone. so, kristal thought that was wierd for deb to mention that to her so she told me about it. i told lisa and it ends up that it was illegal for deb to say anything to kristal about jessica before deb told jessica. confusing i know. so, deb is called and everything and deb desides that it is a good idea for her to call jessica and fire her over the phone. so deb calls jessica, gets her voicemail, and fires it. she fired jess over her voicemail. its horrible.