1) Go to customize journal - scroll to the bottom where it asks Choose a Page Setup and select Column (no sidebar).
2) Make sure your journal is set to Felxible Squares (it might work in others but I did it for Flexible Squares)
3) Next to Choose a Page Setup it will have a button asking to customize selected theme and click on that.
4) Click onto Custom CSS and drop Use layout's stylesheet(s) to no. Drop Use layout's stylesheet(s) when including custom external stylesheet to no. Drop Use external stylesheets to no.
5) Copy and paste codes into the custom stylesheet and you're done.
This is for S2 and not S1.
Preview at my journal
bekie098 you can friend me if you like :)
bekie098 or
Code layout goes to
minty_peach /*CREDITS
made by -- minty_peach
style type -- Flexible Squares s2
notes -- editing is okay but
reposting without stylesheet credit is forbidden!
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