biTs of my Life

Jun 22, 2010 00:52

wHat's uP LJ? missed me? hahaha
gOt so maNy sHit gOin' oN heRe anD thEre..
I Spend my Last three weeKs aT kiM's House whiLe my parEnts aLong wiTh jaCk weNt oN vacaTion iN the Philippines aNd
Since Khristine was leaving after a few dayS to tHe PhilippinEs also.
It wAs okAy. I waS actuaLLy expEcting iT to be Great but It's just dissappointing. Kim wasn't in the moOd tO go Out anywhEre. Our pLan to wAnder arOund dOwntown VancoUver was cAnceLLed, which suCks btw.
So we just weNt to DuncAn, wHere We sAw cURLy witCh, thE giRL I doN't Like frOm wOrk, at the mall.
I have to rePLace Khristine's shift for gRaveyard. It was hArd at firSt 'cAuse I totaLLy fOrgoT wHat tHey usuaLLy dO at niGht. And cAuse they're aLways put iN Rush days aNd rUsh mOrniNgs..
While stayiNg theRe I bOUght a 32gb iPod tOuch oNline aT fuTuRe shOp siNce Im tOOoooo Lazy tO viSit their store. mY next taRget is Xbox oR PS. But nOt at the mOment.
I downloaded one of my favorite movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton on my new baby, the iPod. I've watch that movie like 100 times already. That's how Im so obssessed with it.
After coming hOme fRom wOrk, it's My last GY shift anD my fiRst time taking a bus home from wOrk, I've waTCh cRiminaL minDs interNet Is fOrEver ePisode. iT wAs so cOoL. iT shOws hOw scAry aNd daNGerous sociAL netwoRking anD inTernet is. I beCame mOre cAuTioN nOw wiTh aLL of mY aCcoUnts, my bLogs anD shAring mY info onLine. iT's a reaLLy gOod waKe up caLL to aLL neTizEn oUt tHeRe. waTch iT guys. I highly reCommeNd it.
Oh Khristine's vacation was done last June 20. She broought me my favorite stuffs. Pastillas from goldilocks, Peach manGo pie from jollibee, peanuT brittLe, a shiRt and a cord pony tail.
MY BABIES..ipod touch and nintendo DS

Want some? Peachy piE

waiTing fOr my riDe.. Last dAy aT kim's hOuse 06.16.10

CeLebRaTing mY dAd's bDay aLone..05.26.10


vacation, memory, myself

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