Feb 22, 2006 15:32
Waii~! Yukina's chocolates were delicious! And Koenma-sama gave me roses for St. Valentine's day! They were soooo pretty! Twelve white ones with a red one in the middle! It was so sweet. He tried to take me for a picnic beside the Styx river, but I was not letting him go anywhere with the condition he was still in. But we went on Saturday. It was very nice. I still want to know how he found out I liked jam buns! I'm not complaining though. They were so good. Especially the red bean ones! ^^- And I didn't have to smack him even one time. Very gentlemanly. ...Now that I think about it, it's kind of suspicious. He better not be planning something... hrmph. He's still obviously tired. He's becomming annoying, because he keeps stressing himself out and his exhausting himself. Repeatedly. I'm making sure Hinageshi-chan and Ayame-san are watching him when I'm not there. Hinageshi told me the other girls are teasing him. I hope them being with him distracts him. He's been kind of worried lately. I think it might partially due to Yuusuke-san missing right now, and that thing between Karasu and Kurama-san. I hope Kurama-san with be all right...Nyaa...so many things to do right now! I really shouldn't be spending my time on this. Oh, I hope Koenma-sama doesn't find out about this! T^T