Feb 27, 2012 21:22
Oh my gosh that was the most hectic weekend ever. There was fog hanging over the channel islands, stopping all flights. Drove to my aunt's on Thursday. On Friday we got halfway to Gatwick before the flight was cancelled and we turned round. On Saturday we went to Gatwick again sat around for five hours until the weather cleared enough for flying, arrived in Guernsey at 2pm and spent approximately 25 hours there before flying back.
However, I can still say I've been there. And driven there! (It's a ridiculous place to drive around, btw) And I did my first bit of parallel parking since my driving test. And the party was good with excellent food. And I've finally seen where all my cousins live.
And now I am back in a place where the fifth gear has a point. I'm also a teensy bit sleep deprived. I'll get a proper night's sleep tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night.