Nov 10, 2011 19:55
We muffled the church bells for Remembrance Sunday. I both like and do not like muffling the bells. It's always fun to go up into the bell chamber, but then you have to navigate around the bells on a framework of steel girders that are about the width of your foot. And then you've got to strap the mufflers to the bell clappers whilst balancing and without leaning on the bell else it'll start swinging (I don't mean swinging a little bit; the way they're balanced they'd do a full revolution straight off).
I got briefly stuck and then I got quite covered in church wall then I found an 18 (18!) spot ladybird.
Our church's policy on flags:
Dave: "I've got to put the flag up." *picks up St. George flag*
Jim: "Don't we put up the union flag for remembrance?"
Dave: "...We've only got one flag."
In other things, I spent far too much time today pushing mashed potato through a sieve.