(no subject)

Jun 08, 2010 19:09

Who beat the rain today? I beat the rain today! \o/ My bike seat wasn't even wet, I am fucking talented.

But ugghhh this irritating bloke came into work today. He used to work there but he hasn't for a year or so but he keeps coming back like a really persistent rash. He gave me his mobile number because I'm one of his "bestest friends" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? That's now the third time you've given me your number and I've never once contacted you. I make a concerted effort to be unfriendly, I pointedly keep reading the till instruction manual while you talk to me, I make the shittest excuses to not talk/do anything with you. FUCK. OFF.

Aah, the oven has been playing up and tripping the fuse, so we disconnected it and lifted it out. We thought we'd have a look in the back to see why it's been playing up and what dropped out and scurried away when we took the back off? A FUCKING MOUSE. Soooo we need a new cooker now.


Random exchange I heard whilst wandering around town:
[Scene: outside the front of a shop, the shop owner and a builder crouch at the window, measuring the window boxes.]
Bob the Builder: So you've already got it sticking out around 7 or 8 inches.
Shop Owner: [with slight European accent] That's about 20cm?
[Blank silence]
Bob: It comes out about 7 1/2 inches.

Buck up, Bob, I'm fairly sure your measuring tape will have both centimetres and inches. (And yes, nice European lady, that's slightly less than 20cm.)

Oh oh oh thing what I learnt today: banal and benile are THE SAME WORD. I thought they were two very similar sounding words that meant the same thing. Today, I realised how very unlikely that was THUS MY AMAZING DISCOVERY.
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