two [ VIDEO/TEXT ]

Jun 25, 2011 19:58

[ the video clicks on and there's Gamzee, sitting on that same roof from before. it's raining hard outside and he looks absolutely soaked. his make-up is running but he doesn't seem to mind. ]


[ he's pressing a button and it switches to text. ]

AhAhAhAhAa gUyS.
It iS LiKe rAiNiNg mOtHeRfUcKiN MiRaClEs.
EvErYwHeRe i lOoK....
ItS A RiVeR Of mIrAcLeS.
ItS MaKiNg a tItS OcEaN Or sOmE FuCkIn sHiT.
KiNd oF ReMiNdInG Me oF HoMe eXcEpT ThE FuCkIn oCeAn's cOmInG DoWn.
AlL Of iT Is sO MoThErFuCkIn sPiRiTuAl, AlL ThEsE MiRaClEs aNd sHiT.
LiKe, ThIs oCeAn rAiN?
WhAt tHe mOtHeRfUcK Is tHiS?
AnD ThOsE MoThErFuCkIn fLaShEs oF LiGhT?
It's cRaZy, Yo.
HoW DoEs tHaT EvEn wOrK?
FuCkIn bEaUtIfUl tHoUgH.
MiRaClEs, MaN.
HoNk hOnK HoNk. :o)

( backdated before this.)

! somarium, ! ic, ! text, ! video

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