Dec 16, 2003 22:13
my cat said: we need a word that means happy
my cat said: you have any ideas?
confession licks: no
confession licks: im dying
my cat said: I call dibs on your dead body
my cat said: icadon yodebo
my cat said: thats the happy word
my cat said: hahahahahahahahahahahahahah
confession licks: hahah
confession licks: yeah
confession licks: especially after you just said that'
my cat said: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
my cat said: you see where I got it from right?
confession licks: no i dont
my cat said: awwwww than you missed why its as funny as it is
my cat said: and now I'm gonna have to explain it
my cat said: which is just not gonna be the same
confession licks: hahhha
confession licks: just do it
my cat said: sigh
confession licks: im tired
my cat said: icadon yodebo
my cat said: I - I
my cat said: ca-call
my cat said: d - dibs
my cat said: on - on
my cat said: yo - your
my cat said: de - dead
my cat said: bo - body
my cat said: hahahahahahahahah
confession licks: how the hell would i have gotten that
confession licks: hahahha
my cat said: icadon yodebo
confession licks: hahahhaha
confession licks: i wouldnt have ever gotten that
confession licks: even if i was very awake
my cat said: hahahahahaha its kinda something that you see and it just clicks
my cat said: or you dont
my cat said: hahahahahaha
confession licks: hahha
confession licks: im an idiot
my cat said: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
confession licks: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
my cat said: its just you'd probly ask the question "where the fuck did he get that from"
my cat said: and then you'd look up
my cat said: and see that it somehow relates
my cat said: hahahahahahaha
confession licks: hha i treid
my cat said: naw, your quite unidiotic
my cat said: icadon yodebo!
confession licks: hahhha
confession licks: i see it now
confession licks: woooo
my cat said: hahahahahahahahahahahah wow, my mind must work fast to have made a word out of such a long phrase as quickly as I did
my cat said: hahahahahahahahahahahaha
confession licks: haha i know
confession licks: that was really fast
confession licks: actually
confession licks: hgahgha
my cat said: hahahahahaha
confession licks: we should rewind so i can look smart
my cat said: ok
my cat said: well, do you have any ideas?
my cat said: (no I'm dying)
my cat said: (you say that)
my cat said: ok
my cat said: lets try this again
confession licks: haha shut up
my cat said: well, do you have any ideas?
confession licks: no
confession licks: I'm dying
my cat said: I call dibs on your dead body!
my cat said: icadon yodebo
my cat said: thats the new word
confession licks: HAHHAHAHHA
confession licks: hell yeah
confession licks: I SO GET THAT
my cat said: wow! you must be sooooooo smmmarrt!
confession licks: like tottally!
my cat said: hahahahahahahahahahahahahah
confession licks: hahhaa
confession licks: wow
confession licks: we're crazy