interview!.. hard questions though..

May 16, 2006 22:35

1) What is love?
wow, the question people have been asking for hundreds of years falls on my shoulders :) To me, love is right. Which might not make sense, but it does to me. You knowits right when it is. When it's not, there's something, even something small, holding you back. Even if you dont know what it is. but when it is love, you know everything is absolutely right.

2) You've just been told that you will get $1,000,000 to work ANY job that will make you happy. Whatcha gonna pick?
I would love to work with underprivilaged teens. But thats in the future. A job like that wont land in my lap so I have to gain experience. You'd think a BA was enough, but nooooo. I love to work with people, especially people who need support of any kind. so any job where I could help people, I would love.

3) If you could go back and change what happened with Kyle...the way it happened...would you? If so, what would you do instead?
I would probably change the way that it happened but I would not change that it DID happen. if that makes sense. it needed to happen. Im not sure if he knew it was what I was doing, but I tried to break up with him before the whole mess happened but he convinced me to stay. thats where I would change it. I was unhappy, so I should have stuck to my guns and went through with what I knew had to happen eventually. I hate hurting people I care about, so obviously the way things happened was not ideal. But the separation had to take place, and I had never broken up with anyone before, let alone someone I had been with for 5.5 years...I didnt know what to do. and I did it wrong. However, I did learn from it. and now, I am with someone whom I love deeply, we're planning on moving in together as soon as he gets a job (he just graduated! GO COUGS!) and we can start our life together. :)

4) What is the most scared you've ever been?
Most scared? Oh wow, I have no idea. the last time I was really scared was when my sister sherrie's dog was under a blanket on the floor and I didnt know he was there (hes a weiner dog, so hes small) and I stepped on him and heard him cry. I was bawling I thought I broke his back or something and he couldnt walk and he cried every time he tried and that made ME cry because I love both her dogs so much, they are adorable. turned out it just sort of bruised his leg a little, but he was running just fine within a few days and hes totally fine now. *phew* :)

5) What's your biggest regret?
I try not to look at things as regrets, but more so as learning experiences. I often regret not telling people something I wanted to tell them. I bite my tongue fairly often. and ask questions I want to know the answer to instead of just worrying about it.

Ok, if you want me to ask you questions, go ahead and ask!

-------The rules---------
001. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
002. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
003. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
004. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
005. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


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