Drabble for sexxx_violence

Apr 29, 2009 16:39

Note: Oddly enough this was the only drabble where I knew what I was doing right away. I talked it over with some other people to make sure it made sense, but as soon as you put the no death caveat on it, I knew I had to go with imprisonment. And well…there are very few circumstances in which that would happen. Hopefully this will not start an angst train. Just remember that you love me. Okay?

“Just give him what he wants. Azrael! Balthazar! Please…” Circe frowned as she looked up at her brothers - chained side by side to the wall of the Oathbreaker’s room. “Sign the oath. Be free of this place.”

“That’s just it, Sweetheart.” Azrael gave his sister a look. “We sign that piece of paper and we’re never free again.”

Balthazar nodded. “Azrael’s right. Every move we make, every word that comes out of our mouths - all of it will be scrutinized. And if he even imagines a threat…then we’re gone. Banished to the bottom of the pit. Along with all those we hold dear.”

“Still…” The princess motioned around the room. She knew what her brothers were saying was true, that their father would never trust them. But it had to be better than the Oathbreaker’s room. Anything was better than that. Well…besides the pit.

“Sorry, Sis. No can do.” Azrael shook his head. He wouldn’t sign. He couldn’t. To sign would mean to validate everything his father had once said to him and he would not do that. “Now go on. Get out of here. Before the guards start telling tales. Can’t have him thinking you’re conspiring with us.”


“Circe, go. This is why we kept you out of things to begin with. We knew what would happen if he ever returned.”

“Don’t make all we’ve done a waste.”

Tears stung at her eyes as she opened her mouth to protest. There had to be something they could do. They couldn’t really be content to rot down there in the dungeon for the rest of eternity. And even if they were - even if they had accepted their fate, she hadn’t. She couldn’t just leave them to that.

Which was exactly what she was going to tell them when Azrael cut her off again.

“Go! And promise me you won’t come back.”

“I can’t do that.”

“You have to!”

“It’s too risky, C. Promise us.”

“No. I…”

“Yes. Dammit, Circe! Promise!”

“Fine!” She was openly crying now. This wasn’t supposed to be the way it ended. “I promise.”

“Good,” Balthazar nodded. “Good. Now get back upstairs. And make sure to dry your tears before he sees you.”

“And remember,” Azrael looked at his little sister, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “We love you.”

“I love you too.”


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