I was thinking a lot about Christmas today on my way home from work. I've finally reached the point in my life where I can enjoy Christmas in a completely non-material kind of way. It's not gifts, stockings or food. What I really love about Christmas is being with my family, listening to Christmas carols, sitting on the couch in my pyjamas, sipping hot cocoa and watching the lights on the tree sparkle. I don't think it could get better than that.
Since it's one month until Christmas, I'm going to upload a song or two for your listening pleasure every day (or every few days, more likely) until December 25th.
Here's my first offering:
Jason Mraz & Tristan Prettyman - All I Want for Christmas Is Us [This is probably my favourite Christmas track ever. So mellow and cute.]
98° - This Gift [I remember listening to this album like a million times the year I got it -- I think I was 12 or 13.]
Happy Thanksgiving, American friends!