I really can't manage to post a whole 30 days in a row, but I really love the idea of this meme and have been enjoying reading all the ones I've seen. So I've decided to do it in 5 day chunks.
Day 01 - A show that should never have been canceled
Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching
My answer for the first two days was the same. I can't even explain how much I love this show. I bought the complete series on DVD, and have re-watched it twice. I love the plot, the characters, the twists, the themes, everything. I think it still had a lot more potential, and I was incredibly sad when it was canceled because I would have loved to see what happened next. Not to mention that the last episode ended with a bit of a cliffhanger, and I would have loved to see the repercussions of the finale's big event. I also wish more people watched this show. I don't really know many people that watched it and enjoyed it, and that's a shame. (If you're interested in watching it, there are DVD's!)
Day 03 - Your favourite new show (aired this TV season)
SHUT UP, IT'S LEGITIMATELY KIND OF GOOD? IDEK, I started watching it because it was going to be a new vampire guilty pleasure show for me, but I kind of got really invested somewhere along the line. I've never read the books, so I don't compare it to those. I am actually really excited for this to come back for a season 2. I need to know what happennnnnnnnnnnssssss!
Day 04 - Your favourite show ever
I always have to think about it when people ask me what my 'favourite show ever' is. I have SO many favourite shows, and they usually change, but Buffy is the one that has remained a constant in my TV life for the last eight years or so. I didn't start watching it regularly until I caught a season six episode when it aired and decided to go back and catch up. It's the show I can remember being most passionate about, and one of the shows that means the most to me. To me, even the bad episodes of this show were good. Well, most of them.
Day 05 - A show you hate
Do I have to explain this? *shudder* Never have I had even the slightest inclination towards watching this show.
This is going to be fun!