I just e-mailed my mom about what I have named "the saga of the bus pass" and so I thought I would copy and paste it into LJ so you can all know the pain I have been going through in trying to procure my summer bus pass.
Just wanted to fill you in on what i like to call "the saga of the bus pass". I went to go and buy one on Friday but the C-Spot at school (the place that sells it) told me I couldn't buy one without having GRT photo ID. So I was really upset because they weren't open on the weekend. But I figured, fine, I would just get my photo ID done when I went to the bus station to go to Toronto, and then pick up the bus pass on Monday. When I went to the GRT station to go to Toronto, the place where you get photo ID was closed! I was super sure that it said they were open until 8pm, but I figured maybe i had read wrong so I thought I would just get it on Saturday morning when I came back. So on Saturday morning I went to get it done and they were closed - again! So I got upset and when I got home I called GRT and they said that the place where you get photo ID done closes early, but you can still get it done at the bus ticket kiosk! I had no idea that you could do that - I wish they had had it posted. So I had to use my last few tickets and toonies to get to and from work yesterday. I remembered that the girl at the C-Spot said that they only had 2 bus passes left so I figured I would call right away at 10am on Monday (today) to make sure they still had some. I called them this morning and asked if they had some, and the girl said, "yeah, we still have a few" so I asked whether she thought I should put one on hold or whether she thought they would still be there if I came in an hour to get one. She said, "we should have some, don't worry". So I went to the bus terminal, finally got my photo ID done, then I went to the school to buy my bus pass.. AND THEY WERE SOLD OUT!!!!!! I was REALLY mad and I made a bit of a scene but the girl told me that they were getting more tomorrow (Tuesday) and that she would write my name down so they could make sure I got one. So I told her that tomorrow I have to work 10-5:30 so I won't be able to come in and get one, but Laura offered to go and pick it up for me, and I made sure that the girl wrote down that it wouldn't be me coming to pick it up and that Laura would have MY photo ID when she comes. So Alysha gave me 2 bus tickets to get to and from work tonight and I have a toonie to get to work in the morning. Laura is going to meet me when I'm done work so we can go to the movies (her b-day present to me) so she will give me my bus pass then. If they don't have them tomorrow, I am going to FREAK OUT! i just wanted to let you know how crappy it has been for me to try and procure this bus pass.
Yeah.. it's been fun. Only not. ALL I WANT IS A BUS PASS, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? Sheesh.
I start my second job today (at Cotton Ginny). It should be interesting. They're making me a keyholder. Heh. I remember when I was one at the dollar store. Good times, man, good times.