Name: Julian Keller
Age: 17 (approx)
Birthdate: Never stated. Probably sometime in the spring.
Birthplace: Beverly Hills, California
Bloodtype: B. Active, self-absorbed, uncooperative, cold.
Dominant Hand: Right.
Eyesight: 20/20.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Blue.
Skin: White?
Other facial features: His eyes glow green depending on how he's feeling.
Favourite food: Something expensive. Probably roast or steak or something.
Favourite colour: Red.
Favourite movies: TITS AND EXPLOSIONS. Die Hard, probably.
Favourite books: He doesn't really read much...
Favourite music: Probably lots of rock and very Californian bands... Something with a lot of bass.
Favourite animal: Doesn't really care for animals. Probably a cat or something.
Favourite weather: Warm weather. Typical Californian weather.
Favourite sport/physical activity: Any sort of sport. He likes basketball mostly, but training counts too.
Favourite date spot: Anywhere dark enough for him and nice enough for the girl. Preferably where they can get some alone time like a movie theatre or one of their homes...
Preferred type: ANY CHICK THAT'S HOT, REALLY. But if we're talking... intimately, an independent girl with a strong personality. Must be very sure of herself and not afraid to take a bit of snark. Also must be hot.
Best subject: FBI... He has no best subject but ignoring the obvious of Phys Ed, it'd probably be History.
Disliked food: Fast food. Or anything really fattening or gross.
Disliked colour: ...Yellow.
Disliked movies: Chick flicks. Boring.
Disliked books: Anything too wordy or too prosey. Seriously, you can say it less than 800 words. Do it.
Disliked music: Pop and ballads and Taylor Swift...
Disliked animal: Doesn't really have a disliked animal either. Maybe something impoverish like a horse.
Disliked weather: Too cold. He dislikes wearing layers.
Disliked sport/physical activity: Pilates or aerobics or something lame.
Disliked date spot: He can work wherever. Just, not somewhere stupid.
Disliked type: Overly aggressive girls. Total turn-off.
Worst subject: Math.
Description of bedroom: Typical guy's room. There's two beds, one for him, and one for Justinia since she usually sleeps over. There's a flat screen TV on the wall, a bunch of game consoles littered everywhere, with a bunch of games just as organized. There are posters of his various interest plastered all over the walls and a dresser with clothes half-shoved in. There's a small corner with cat stuff for Killer and next to it are weights. Across one of the beds is a table shoved with more crap and clothes, and lots... of hair care products. Shhhh.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): Typical guy cologne but it's usually something expensive smelling. Woodsy and mossy is what it's often described as.
Laugh: He doesn't really laugh. He chuckles at most. And it's kind of a rolling sort of thing, smooth.
Sense of humour: When people humiliate themselves. That's when it's funny.
Temper: So short. He's so aggressive. He doesn't get flat out pissed quite easily, but he does get annoyed and frustrated. He has very short patience despite the fact that he's supposed to have a smooth emotional range and doesn't really deal with a lot of crap. His temper usually comes off as rude remarks and snide comments than anything else though.
Basic nature: He's a jerk. He's pretty self-absorbed and usually says things and doesn't care whether they hurt people's feelings or not. He comes off as really insensitive and he has a huge ego. It's ridiculous. He's super selfish, but admittedly, does have a softer side for children and girls. There's a heart of gold somewhere under there.
Kinsey rating: 0. Tits and ass, please.
Spends money on: Whatever he feels like. He's used to buying whatever the hell he wants.
Daily rituals: Lots of time spent on his appearance... And also training.
Random trivia: He's pretty into his hair. The style usually changes once a week and it ranges from long to short, down to spiked. He messes with it frequently and is always running his hands through it.
Currently wants: To get out of this place. Also, Sofia. ):
Dress (style, colors): His uniform is either a black and gold one-piece or a red and black one. Both adorned with some sort of belt, boots, and gloves. His normal clothes is usually very casual with T-shirts with cool designs and baggy pants. Sometimes there's a collared shirt underneath it and in one rare instance, he wore a sweatervest. (I8) It's pretty white boy though.
Current occupation: X-Man.
Marital status: Single?
Current Residence: 914.
Sun sign: Aries.
Decanate: Mars.
Moon sign: Uhm?
Rising sign: Scorpio...?
Dominant character traits: Huge ego. Super arrogant. Self-absorbed and a giant jerk. Douchebag, even. Aggressive. Flirty.
Likeable traits: Pretty sweet if you get to know him. Good listener. Easy to talk to... if you're a girl. Very loyal and protective.
Annoying traits: HIS EGO. And his womanizing.
Love interest(s): Sofia though he hasn't seen her in a while... but he still loves her. And Laura, who confuses him. But he's pretty sure he's into her.
Lust interest(s): ANY GIRL WITH A NICE BODY...
Close friends: Hellions. Justinia. Ino. Elektra. Teresa.
Other friends: Rest of the New X-Men. Failtastic Six. Uru. Everyone else he tolerates.
Acquaintances: Rest of Marvel. Whomever else.
Enemies and why: Canon enemies cause... it's canon. RIFUL because she kidnapped and tortured him for a week. Maine because he messed with Justinia.
Family: William (father), Elizabeth (mother), James (brother).
Habits: Messes with his hair a lot. Running his fingers through it, checking it frequently, etc. He also tends to ignore things that annoy him or brush the subject off.
Talents: ...Telekinesis?
Hobbies: Video games. Basketball. Hanging out with friends.
Entertainment of choice: Television...
Musical talents: He has none.
Ambitions: To be a hero and get his fame and glory. Also to be the best X-Man.
Educational background: Studied in high school until he was transferred to Xavier's. Continued his education there.
Philosophy of life: Live life and do whatever the hell you want cause shit's gonna happen either way.
Introvert/extrovert: Extrovert. Yeah, he's nowhere near closed up and shy. He likes to be out and about.
Intuitive/reasoning: Intuitive. Even though he's a fine leader, he tends to do things by instinct and is usually really good at it.
Optimist/pessimist: Pessimist.. Marvel, man.
Tense/relaxed: Relaxed. Despite how edgy he can get, he's pretty chill.
Serious/carefree: Depends. Normally, he's serious though.