(no subject)

Jan 13, 2011 18:07

Use this list of questions to construct, or add to, their own character questionnaire. The questions cover different genres and types of details, so feel free to exclude or modify to suit their roleplaying group.

Questions are divided into nine broad categories:

✔ Introduction Questions
✔ Physical Traits
✔ History
✔ Family
✔ Relationships
✔ Personality/Beliefs
✔ Career/Training
✔ Lifestyle/Hobbies
✔ Miscellaneous


Introduction Questions

✔ Give a two or three word description of the character. Telekinetic mutant douchebag with a heart of gold.

✔ Do they have any nicknames, street names, titles, nom de plume? Hellion.

✔ What is their full birth name? Julian Keller.

✔ Where do they live? Utopia, San Francisco Bay.

✔ Why do they live there? Because all the mutant population was moved onto Utopia off of US soil and away from the government to avoid persecution.

✔ What is their citizenship status? American.

✔ What is their most obvious blessing or strength? Powers aside? His stubbornness and loyalty. He doesn't take shit from anyone and he won't ever give up or back down and he will always protect those closest to him.

✔ What do they perceive as their greatest strength? His telekinesis and good looks for sure. Which... mean nothing.

✔ What is their most obvious flaw or weakness? His temper. Definitely his temper. He's been classified as having severe anger issues which, coupled with his PTSD, leave him often on edge and easy to snap at people.

✔ What do they perceive as their greatest weakness? He won't admit to having any. But if he had to, it'd probably be the fact that he lets his emotions get to him.

✔ Was there any event or cause of these weaknesses? Julian always had a bit of a temper, but after M-Day and all the traumatic experiences that happened to him, caused his anger to double, forcing him to bottle up any emotion that wasn't rage and only letting it out violently.


Physical Traits

✔ How old are they? 17.

✔ What is their gender? Male.

✔ What is their species/race? Mutant (Homo superior).

✔ How tall are they? 5'10".

✔ How much do they weigh? 170 lbs.

✔ What is their general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise? Julian is tall with a broad chest and shoulders. He's very well-muscled and well-toned for his age. He's still slim and not overly bulky, but has a thin, almost wiry body. He generally carries himself very well, standing up straight and tall. There's no reason to slouch and he likes to show off. Bad posture leads to bad everything else.

✔ What is their skin colour? White with a slight tan. He's not super pale, he's just a shade darker than most people.

✔ What is their hair colour? Black.

✔ What is their hair style? In canon? Long bangs and really sloppy and not groomed at all. In Paradisa? Short, wild, and almost scruffy. Lots of layers and bangs.

✔ Do they have any facial hair? No. He's clean-shaven.

✔ What is their eye colour? Blue.

✔ Does it change? His eyes glow green when he's using his powers, but they're still blue under the glow.

✔ How attractive are they? Relatively attractive -- he's often called out to be handsome or a pretty boy and is very well-known for being proud of his good looks. He's definitely a head-turner and a looker.

✔ What is their most distinguishing feature? Besides his changing hairstyles? Not really.

✔ Do they have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks? He has a large scar in the middle of his chest and a few bullet wounds on his side, as well as various thin scars everywhere else.

✔ If so, how did they acquire them? The chest scar was from when Lady Deathstrike stabbed him through the chest, almost killing him. The bullet wounds were from when the Purifiers attacked the mansion, with one shooting him through his TK shield and injuring him. The rest are from various battles.

✔ What do these distinguishing marks look like? The chest scar is large, split into five different portions that link together and is very jagged. The rest are regular scars or healing injuries.

✔ Do they have any special significance? They're reminders of how traumatic his life is?

✔ What is their handedness (left/right/ambidextrous)? Right-handed.

✔ What is their hand size/description? His hand size (in Paradisa or before he lost his hands) is average for a regular teenage boy, if not slightly larger. They're very calloused and covered with bruises or cuts.

✔ Do they resemble some currently known person? Everyone in the Batfamily. Other than that, no.

✔ Do they wear a uniform? He has his own customized uniform, which is a red and black one-piece combo with a belt, leather lining, and rather thick pants. His one for the New X-Men is a generic yellow and black uniform.

✔ What kind of clothing do they wear? He wears very form-fitting clothing but it's all very casual. Lots of simple t-shirts with designs and slim jeans. He doesn't like layers.

✔ What is their clothing's style or level of sophistication? It's casual but with the sense that he's obviously the child of a rich socialite who knows how to pick out clothes. None of it is too sloppy or lazy and it's all very well-coordinated.

✔ What size are they for various pieces of clothing? Shirt size -- mens' large. Pants size -- size seven or so. Or something.

✔ Do they wear makeup? Never.

✔ Do they wear glasses/contacts? 20/20 vision. No thanks.

✔ What sort of vocal tone do they have? Slightly low but very smooth. Or Kovu from the Lion King 2.

✔ Do they get sick? Maybe they catch the flu twice a year and that's it? Or maybe they have a weak immune system and catch anything that goes around? He doesn't get sick that often because he has a very strong immune system. It's probably once a year and that's about it.



✔ Where is their homeland? America.

✔ What are its people like? ....... Like Americans?

✔ Are they aware of its history? Duh.

✔ Are they patriotic or a social outcast? A social outcast, technically, because he's a mutant. Not that he feels a lot of patriotism anyways. Considering he lives on an island away from the government.

✔ What are their opinion of home? Does not like it that much. He's not impressed with how people act, how mutants are treated, how the government is run, and so on.

✔ Where is their home town? California.

✔ What is their home town's name? Beverly Hills.

✔ What was the area like and how did it affect they? He grew up in a really wealthy area where people would compete with their money. And that turned him into a spoiled brat who was used to getting whatever he wanted. And also used to being ignored.

✔ Did they witness any historical events? Plenty. M-Day, Dark Reign, Second Coming, and so on.

✔ If so, how did that event impact they? M-Day hardened him immensely and ripped what was left of his childhood away from him, Dark Reign encouraged the rebel and anti-authority in him to emerge, and Second Coming, he lost his hands and began leaning towards anti-heroism.

✔ Are their real reasons for becoming an adventurer different from what they tell others? Slightly.

✔ If so, how might such secrets be revealed? Probably just by talking to him. He'll tell people it's because that's what X-men do, but if you get to know him, it's obvious that at one point, he wanted it for the adventure and attention.

✔ How far would they go to keep such secrets from being revealed? What would they do if the truth became known? Not very far since he doesn't have a lot of secrets. But if he doesn't want you to know, you won't.

✔ What do they fear would occur if the truth became known? He'll be... hated some more? Nothing, really.

✔ Do they have any particularly high or low ability scores?

✔ If so, were these scores a result of their past?

✔ How have these scores affected their life so far?

✔ Did they affect they in their chosen profession?

✔ What about their race, growing up were they in the majority or a minority? He's a mutant so he's a minority. And became an extreme-minority after M-Day.

✔ How were they treated by other nearby races? Everyone hates him. Humans hate mutants. Aliens hate mutants. Robots hate mutants. So coupled with his horrible personality, it's not a pretty sight.

✔ Were they persecuted for their race? Terribly. There were laws set up against mutants, camps for them to be detained in, religious groups that attempted to kill them, cures that were created because they were "diseased" and so on.

✔ Did this impact their outlook in any way? Absolutely. He's under the firm belief that life sucks.

✔ Did it affect their personality? He went from an arrogant teenager who held himself slightly above humans to a rebellious teenager who punched humans around for human rights and became severely speciest.

✔ How do they feel about other races? Mutants are the best.

✔ Do they have any justification from their past experience for holding such views? ..... His best friend was killed by anti-mutant religious nutjobs in a bus explosion. Along with dozens of other kids.

✔ Were there any traumatic experiences in their early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)? Not particularly.

✔ Briefly describe a defining moment in their childhood and how it influenced their life. Developing his mutant powers through puberty. It was probably a really weird experience for him and maybe somewhat stressful, since he was unable to control any of it. (See Jean Grey.) He went from spoiled brat to spoiled brat with an elitist complex and telekinesis.

✔ What was childhood like for they? Not that great, despite how it appears. Even though he was a rich, spoiledkins who got whatever he wanted, his parents didn't like him and pretty much ignored him or gave him what he asked for just to shut him up. This caused him to act out to get their attention and even then, he was just chastised and ignored some more in favor of his older brother.

✔ Was it calm and peaceful or turbulent and traumatic? Neither? It wasn't all that calm but it definitely wasn't traumatic.

✔ Did they have any childhood friends? He probably had a lot but he doesn't keep in touch with any of them now. And we're not counting his Institute years.

✔ If so, who and where are they now? Who knows.

✔ Are they still close to them or have they grown apart? Definitely grew apart.

✔ What stupid things did they do when they were younger? A lot. He probably caused so much chaos at school, like pranking the teachers, hitting on girls, destroying school property, and it definitely got worse after he got his powers. Hello chaos and TK.

✔ Which toys from their childhood have they kept? None. That's queer.

✔ Why? What do they mean to them? See above.

✔ If they didn't keep any, why not? Cause it's queer. No, just kidding. He's not the type that gets attached to that kind of stuff and the toys his parents gave him didn't mean anything to him anyways.

✔ What did they do to them all? Leave them back at the mansion. And therefore, never saw them again.

✔ Do they have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt them? Not really? Boy isn't one for secrets.

✔ What conflicts might arise from their past? Probably either Hellions v New Mutants stuff, Limbo-stuff, or.... all that other crazy stuff that happen. Life has a way of coming back to beat him around some more.

✔ Are they who they claim to be? Yes?

✔ Do they have any sort of criminal record? Yes. Was arrested and detained twice for rioting and physical assault.

✔ How do they view the heroes/legends of their country? With slight idolization. While he doesn't have as much of the same ideals as he did when he was younger, he still looks up to people like Captain America. Even if he won't admit it.



✔ Who were their parents?

✔ Were they raised by them?

✔ If not, then why didn't they and who did raise them?

✔ What is their father's full name?

✔ What is their mother's full name?

✔ What is their mother's maiden name?

✔ What did their parents and/or foster parents do for a living?

✔ What was their standing in the community?

✔ Did their family stay in one area or move around a lot?

✔ How did they get along with their parents?

✔ How would their parents describe they? Answer this in the voice of their mother, then in their father's.

✔ Do they have any siblings?

✔ If so how many and what were their names?

✔ What was their birth position in the family?

✔ How did they get along with each of their siblings?

✔ What was their family life like?

✔ List all current knowledge of family locations, spouses, children, birth dates, schooling and any important incidents that only they and they might remember.

✔ Are any or all of their family still alive?

✔ If so, where are they now?

✔ Do they stay in touch with them or have they become estranged?

✔ Draw out their family tree, including living and dead relatives.

✔ Do they love or hate one member of the family in particular?

✔ Is any member of the family special to they in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)?

✔ Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including them)?

✔ If so, who are they and how did they "gain" the position?

✔ If this person is not you, then how do they feel about them?

✔ Do they have a notorious or celebrated ancestor?

✔ If so, what did this person do to become famous or infamous?

✔ What do people assume about they once their ancestry is revealed?

✔ Do they try to live up to the reputation of their ancestor, try to live it down, or ignore it?

✔ Have they begun their own family?

✔ If not, do they ever want to have a family of their own someday?

✔ If so, with who or what type of person?

✔ What type of person would be their ideal mate?

✔ What would they be willing to do to protect such a person?

✔ Is there anything they wouldn't do to protect such a person and if so what?

✔ Would anything change their mind on this issue and if so, what?



✔ Do they have any close friends?

✔ If so, who and what are they like?

✔ What is the history of their relationship(s) with they?

✔ Do they currently have a best friend whom they would protect with their reputation or their life?

✔ If so, who are they and what caused they to feel so close to them? What would have to happen for they to end this relationship?

✔ Do they have any bitter enemies?

✔ If so, who are they, what are they like, and what is the history of their feud with they?

✔ Have they defeated them before?

✔ How might these enemies seek to discomfit they in the future?

✔ What valuable or important contacts do they have?

✔ How did they come to know them?

✔ Which person(s) or group(s) are they most loyal to?

✔ List any past serious relationships that they have had, and give a brief overview of the relationship(s).

✔ How do they think others generally perceive they?

✔ If someone crossed their path, what would they do?

✔ Who is their most trusted ally?

✔ Who do they trust, in general?

✔ Who do they despise and why?

✔ Name seven things they hate in others.

✔ Is their image consistent?

✔ Do different people see they in similar ways?

✔ Do they deliberately present theirself differently in different situations, and how?

✔ What would they die for?

✔ Who would they go to extremes for?

✔ Who do they turn to when you're in trouble?

✔ What is the worst thing someone has done to they?

✔ What is their general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who lets them know they are available?

✔ How do they get along with others in the same field and/or work environment?

✔ How can they be blackmailed, beaten, and tricked (by PCs or NPCs)?

✔ Have they lost any loves?

✔ How did they handle the situation (short & long term)?

✔ Who would miss they should they go missing?

✔ Who might protect they?

✔ Who might be convinced to sell they out?

✔ How close are they to their friends?

✔ What do they know about them?

✔ What do they not know about them?

✔ What do they know and not know about them?

✔ Do they live with anyone (housemates, roommates, relatives, friends, near-strangers, family friend, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover)?

✔ Are they a member of any special interest groups?

✔ What is their level of involvement?

✔ What is their current status with local law-enforcement?

✔ Do they have a record of cooperation or non-cooperation with authorities?

✔ Do they have a file with local, national or international law enforcement?



✔ Do they, or did they, have any role models?

✔ Do they have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend?

✔ If so, have they ever met them?

✔ Did they ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances?

✔ When did they decide to become an adventurer?

✔ Why have they chosen to risk their life as a career?

✔ What do they expect to get out of being an adventurer (satisfaction, glory, money, redemption, etc.)? What, if anything, would make they stop adventuring (death of a loved one, marriage, mutilation, money, position, old age, etc.)?

✔ Do they have any dreams or ambitions?

✔ If not, why?

✔ How does adventuring fit into this dream, or does it at all?

✔ What are their short term goals (what would they like to be doing within a year)?

✔ What are their long term goals (what would they like to be doing twenty years from now)?

✔ If these goals seem at odds with each other, or with their dreams, how do they reconcile the differences?

✔ How do they seek to fulfill these dreams, goals, & ambitions?

✔ Do they have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are the origins of, or reasons behind them?

✔ What, if anything, would it take for they to be able to overcome this?

✔ How do they react when this fear manifests itself?

✔ Are they willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation?

✔ What are their attitudes regarding material wealth?

✔ Are they miserly with their share of the wealth, or do they spend it freely?

✔ Are they greedy or generous?

✔ Do they see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end?

✔ How do they generally treat others?

✔ Do they trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not?

✔ Are they introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)?

✔ Are they a humble soul or blusteringly proud?

✔ Do they act differently than they feel (concealing their true thoughts)?

✔ What habits would they find most annoying in friends?

✔ Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which they are strongly prejudiced, and why?

✔ How do others typically react to they?

✔ Why, in their opinion, do they act that way?

✔ What are their most annoying habits?

✔ What is their favourite food?

✔ What is their favourite drink?

✔ What is their favourite treat (desert)?

✔ Do they favour a particular cuisine?

✔ Do they savor the tastes when eating or "wolf down" their food?

✔ Do they like food mild or heavily spiced?

✔ Are there any specific foodstuffs that they find disgusting or refuse to eat?

✔ Are they allergic to any food?

✔ What are their favourite colour(s)?

✔ Is there any colour that they dislike?

✔ Do they have a favourite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument?

✔ What is their favourite bard song?

✔ If they have a favourite scent, what is it?

✔ What is their favourite type of animal?

✔ Do they have an animal totem or affinity, and if so for what?

✔ Is there a certain type of animal that they hate or fear?

✔ Are they allergic to any kinds of animals?

✔ Do they have any allergies?

✔ Is there anything that enrages they?

✔ Is there anything which embarrasses they?

✔ How do they react to being teased about it?

✔ Do they enjoy "roughing it", or do they prefer their creature comforts?

✔ Do they believe in the gods?

✔ Do they have a patron deity?

✔ Are they devout or impious?

✔ Do they actively worship and proselytize or do they simply pay lip service?

✔ What lengths would they go to defend their faith?

✔ Was their faith influenced or molded by anyone special?

✔ Do they belong to the orthodox church, or a fringe element thereof (and is the group accepted, frowned upon, or considered heretics)?

✔ How has this impacted their faith and life?

✔ Is their church an accepted religion where they grew up or did it have to conduct its services in secret?

✔ How did this affect their faith and life?

✔ Have they ever been persecuted for their faith?

✔ If so, when and how did they handle it?

✔ Can they kill?

✔ When did they decide (or learn) that they could?

✔ What happened and how did they handle it?

✔ When do they consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)?

✔ When do they consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)?

✔ What would they do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under their "wrong" circumstances, what would be their reaction?

✔ What if it were their enemy?

✔ What if it were their friend?

✔ What if it were an innocent?

✔ What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed)?

✔ What would they do if someone shot at (attacked) they?

✔ What would they do if something were stolen from they?

✔ What would they do if they were badly insulted publicly?

✔ What would they do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death?

✔ What is the one task they would absolutely refuse to do?

✔ What do they consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?

✔ How do they feel about government (rulers) in general?

✔ Why do they feel that way?

✔ Do they support the current government of their homeland?

✔ If so, how far are they willing to go to defend the government? If not, do they actively oppose it?

✔ Do they belong to an anti-government organization?

✔ If so, describe the group and its aims.

✔ What form of government do they believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why?

✔ Have they ever been persecuted for their political stance?

✔ If so, describe the occurrence and how it affected they?

✔ Are they a member of any non-religious group, cause, order, or organization?

✔ If so describe it, its goals, and membership.

✔ How loyal are they to this group and why?

✔ How did they become a member?

✔ If they are a former member, did they leave voluntarily or involuntarily and why?

✔ Was it under good (amicable) conditions or bad?

✔ Are they being sought or hunted by the organization?

✔ If so, by whom and with what intent (to murder you, to force their return through blackmail or coercion, to spy on they and make sure they do not reveal any of the groups secrets)?

✔ Do they have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others?

✔ If so, describe them and how they acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them.

✔ How do they react if made fun of for any of these things?

✔ Do they have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed?

✔ If so, are there any reasons behind them from their past?

✔ Do they have an unusual gait or accent?

✔ If so, where did they acquire them?

✔ Are there any circumstances where they become more (or less) evident?

✔ How do they feel and react if made fun of for any of these things?

✔ What is their favourite colour?

✔ What place would they most like to visit?

✔ What annoys they the most?

✔ What (if any) are their favourite forms of art?

✔ What is their most treasured possession?

✔ What things could he/ she not live without?

✔ Do they have a good luck charm?

✔ If their life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would they do in those remaining hours?

✔ Do they have a "Black-and-White" view of reality or can they see shades of grey?

✔ Do they prefer to tear down or build up?

✔ Are they deliberate or spontaneous?

✔ Do they prefer the town or the country?

✔ If made to decide, would they rather be deaf or blind? Why?

✔ How do they feel about magic, myth, and the supernatural?

✔ Do they remember their dreams?

✔ Describe a typical dream they might have.

✔ Describe their worst nightmares.



✔ Where and how were they educated?

✔ Who trained they in their class or job?

✔ What was their relationship with their teacher(s)/mentor(s)?

✔ How did they happen across this teacher or mentor?

✔ Was their mentor kind, stern, cruel, indifferent?

✔ Is this person or institution still in existence?

✔ Were they forced into their profession by parents or peers?

✔ Did circumstances dictate their choice of profession?

✔ Were they a prize student or did they just barely pass?

✔ Look at their skills. How did they acquire them (especially the unusual ones)?

✔ Have they ever done anything else for a living?

✔ How do they function in combat (maneuvers, weaknesses)?

✔ How would they best be defeated?

✔ Have they ever received any awards or honours?

✔ What have they done that was considered "outstanding" in their occupation by others in their field?

✔ What are their long-term goals in work?

✔ Describe any traumatic experiences in their present occupation that has affected they deeply in some way.

✔ How do their relatives and friends view their present occupation?

✔ Is there anything that they don't currently know how to do that they wish they could?

✔ Are they envious of others who can do such things in a good-natured way or are they sullen and morose about it?



✔ What is their normal daily routine?

✔ How do they feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason?

✔ What are their hobbies when they are not adventuring or training?

✔ What would they do if they had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse themselves?

✔ What do they do for relaxation?What things do they do for enjoyment? What interests do they have?

✔ How do they normally dress when not in their adventuring gear?

✔ Do they like to dress up or down to relax?

✔ Do they have a look or style? If so, describe it.

✔ What do they normally wear in bed at home?

✔ What do they normally wear in bed while adventuring?

✔ Do they wear any identifiable jewelry?

✔ Where do they normally put their weapons, magic items, or other valuables when they are sleeping?

✔ What morning or evening routines do they normally have?

✔ Do these change when they are adventuring?

✔ What pastime (that they participate in regularly) gives they the most enjoyment?

✔ What pastime (that they participate in regularly) gives they the least enjoyment?

✔ Do they read the newspaper?

✔ If so, which sections and how often?

✔ Travel: how do they get around locally?

✔ What is their idea of a good evening's entertainment?

✔ Do they get seasick, airsick, motion sick (auto or animal)?

✔ Do they like riding animals?

✔ Any fears in traveling?

✔ What sorts of general belongings or equipment do they take when traveling?

✔ What are their hangout places?

✔ Do they go to a bar after work?

✔ Do they play pool?

✔ Do they go dancing? Who goes with they?

✔ What do they read?Scientific textbooks, historical novels, myths and legends, maps, cookbooks, romances, news magazines, science fiction, fantasy, horror, the newspaper, short stories?

✔ What music do they like?

✔ Do they have a favourite artist, band or bard?

✔ Will they listen to or sing the same songs over and over, or does it drive they nuts when people do that?

✔ How do they exercise? Work out at the gym, walk in the morning, run marathons, play sports, couch potato?

✔ Where do they live?

✔ Do they rent or own?

✔ Apartment, house or castle?

✔ How close are the neighbors?

✔ Is it a good neighborhood?

✔ What colour is the house?

✔ Which floor are they on?

✔ Do they have a lawn?

✔ What about a flower garden?

✔ Does their house have an attic or basement?

✔ What does their furniture look like?

✔ Do they buy antiques?

✔ What are their walls covered with? Wallpaper, art, photos?

✔ What sorts of curtains do they have? Frilly lacy ones, Venetian blinds, pull-down shades?

✔ Do they keep their house clean?

✔ Is it dusty?

✔ Is the bathtub moldy or coated in rust?

✔ Do they clean it herself?

✔ What do their desk or workspace look like?Small and cramped, huge and expansive, covered in drifts of books and papers? neatly ordered and clean?

✔ Can they find what you're looking for when they need it?

✔ What color are their sheets?

✔ Satin or cotton?

✔ Patterned with flowers, or covered with pictures of toy robots?

✔ What sorts of food do they eat?

✔ Do they cook their own dinners?

✔ Are they a good cook, a gourmet, or a terrible cook?

✔ Do they eat out?

✔ Are they on a diet?

✔ Where do they vacation, and how often?

✔ Do they have any pets?

✔ Do they keep a calendar or address book?

✔ Where do they keep it?

✔ Do they have a Will?

✔ What does it say?



✔ What would they like to be remembered for after their death?

✔ What kind of threat do they present to the public?

✔ If their features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying their body?

✔ How much is a pint of mead?

✔ As a player, if you could, what advice would you give this character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice...

Use this list of questions to construct, or add to, their own character questionnaire. The questions cover different genres and types of details, so feel free to exclude or modify to suit their roleplaying group.

Questions are divided into nine broad categories:

✔ Introduction Questions
✔ Physical Traits
✔ History
✔ Family
✔ Relationships
✔ Personality/Beliefs
✔ Career/Training
✔ Lifestyle/Hobbies
✔ Miscellaneous


✔ Give a two or three word description of the character.

✔ Do they have any nicknames, street names, titles, nom de plume?

✔ What is their full birth name?

✔ Where do they live?

✔ Why do they live there?

✔ What is their citizenship status?

✔ What is their most obvious blessing or strength?

✔ What do they perceive as their greatest strength?

✔ What is their most obvious flaw or weakness?

✔ What do they perceive as their greatest weakness?

✔ Was there any event or cause of these weaknesses?


Physical Traits

✔ How old are they?

✔ What is their gender?

✔ What is their species/race?

✔ How tall are they?

✔ How much do they weigh?

✔ What is their general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise?

✔ What is their skin colour?

✔ What is their hair colour?

✔ What is their hair style?

✔ Do they have any facial hair?

✔ What is their eye colour?

✔ Does it change?

✔ How attractive are they?

✔ What is their most distinguishing feature?

✔ Do they have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks?

✔ If so, how did they acquire them?

✔ What do these distinguishing marks look like?

✔ Do they have any special significance?

✔ What is their handedness (left/right/ambidextrous)?

✔ What is their hand size/description?

✔ Do they resemble some currently known person?

✔ Do they wear a uniform?

✔ What kind of clothing do they wear?

✔ What is their clothing's style or level of sophistication?

✔ What size are they for various pieces of clothing?

✔ Do they wear makeup?

✔ Do they wear glasses/contacts?

✔ What sort of vocal tone do they have?

✔ Do they get sick? Maybe they catch the flu twice a year and that's it? Or maybe they have a weak immune system and catch anything that goes around?



✔ Where is their homeland?

✔ What are its people like?

✔ Are they aware of its history?

✔ Are they patriotic or a social outcast?

✔ What are their opinion of home?

✔ Where is their home town?

✔ What is their home town's name?

✔ What was the area like and how did it affect they?

✔ Did they witness any historical events?

✔ If so, how did that event impact they?

✔ Are their real reasons for becoming an adventurer different from what they tell others?

✔ If so, how might such secrets be revealed?

✔ How far would they go to keep such secrets from being revealed? What would they do if the truth became known?

✔ What do they fear would occur if the truth became known?

✔ Do they have any particularly high or low ability scores?

✔ If so, were these scores a result of their past?

✔ How have these scores affected their life so far?

✔ Did they affect they in their chosen profession?

✔ What about their race, growing up were they in the majority or a minority?

✔ How were they treated by other nearby races?

✔ Were they persecuted for their race?

✔ Did this impact their outlook in any way?

✔ Did it affect their personality?

✔ How do they feel about other races?

✔ Do they have any justification from their past experience for holding such views?

✔ Were there any traumatic experiences in their early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)?

✔ Briefly describe a defining moment in their childhood and how it influenced their life.

✔ What was childhood like for they?

✔ Was it calm and peaceful or turbulent and traumatic?

✔ Did they have any childhood friends?

✔ If so, who and where are they now?

✔ Are they still close to them or have they grown apart?

✔ What stupid things did they do when they were younger?

✔ Which toys from their childhood have they kept?

✔ Why? What do they mean to them?

✔ If they didn't keep any, why not?

✔ What did they do to them all?

✔ Do they have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt them?

✔ What conflicts might arise from their past?

✔ Are they who they claim to be?

✔ Do they have any sort of criminal record?

✔ How do they view the heroes/legends of their country?



✔ Who were their parents?

✔ Were they raised by them?

✔ If not, then why didn't they and who did raise them?

✔ What is their father's full name?

✔ What is their mother's full name?

✔ What is their mother's maiden name?

✔ What did their parents and/or foster parents do for a living?

✔ What was their standing in the community?

✔ Did their family stay in one area or move around a lot?

✔ How did they get along with their parents?

✔ How would their parents describe they? Answer this in the voice of their mother, then in their father's.

✔ Do they have any siblings?

✔ If so how many and what were their names?

✔ What was their birth position in the family?

✔ How did they get along with each of their siblings?

✔ What was their family life like?

✔ List all current knowledge of family locations, spouses, children, birth dates, schooling and any important incidents that only they and they might remember.

✔ Are any or all of their family still alive?

✔ If so, where are they now?

✔ Do they stay in touch with them or have they become estranged?

✔ Draw out their family tree, including living and dead relatives.

✔ Do they love or hate one member of the family in particular?

✔ Is any member of the family special to they in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)?

✔ Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including them)?

✔ If so, who are they and how did they "gain" the position?

✔ If this person is not you, then how do they feel about them?

✔ Do they have a notorious or celebrated ancestor?

✔ If so, what did this person do to become famous or infamous?

✔ What do people assume about they once their ancestry is revealed?

✔ Do they try to live up to the reputation of their ancestor, try to live it down, or ignore it?

✔ Have they begun their own family?

✔ If not, do they ever want to have a family of their own someday?

✔ If so, with who or what type of person?

✔ What type of person would be their ideal mate?

✔ What would they be willing to do to protect such a person?

✔ Is there anything they wouldn't do to protect such a person and if so what?

✔ Would anything change their mind on this issue and if so, what?



✔ Do they have any close friends?

✔ If so, who and what are they like?

✔ What is the history of their relationship(s) with they?

✔ Do they currently have a best friend whom they would protect with their reputation or their life?

✔ If so, who are they and what caused they to feel so close to them? What would have to happen for they to end this relationship?

✔ Do they have any bitter enemies?

✔ If so, who are they, what are they like, and what is the history of their feud with they?

✔ Have they defeated them before?

✔ How might these enemies seek to discomfit they in the future?

✔ What valuable or important contacts do they have?

✔ How did they come to know them?

✔ Which person(s) or group(s) are they most loyal to?

✔ List any past serious relationships that they have had, and give a brief overview of the relationship(s).

✔ How do they think others generally perceive they?

✔ If someone crossed their path, what would they do?

✔ Who is their most trusted ally?

✔ Who do they trust, in general?

✔ Who do they despise and why?

✔ Name seven things they hate in others.

✔ Is their image consistent?

✔ Do different people see they in similar ways?

✔ Do they deliberately present theirself differently in different situations, and how?

✔ What would they die for?

✔ Who would they go to extremes for?

✔ Who do they turn to when you're in trouble?

✔ What is the worst thing someone has done to they?

✔ What is their general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who lets them know they are available?

✔ How do they get along with others in the same field and/or work environment?

✔ How can they be blackmailed, beaten, and tricked (by PCs or NPCs)?

✔ Have they lost any loves?

✔ How did they handle the situation (short & long term)?

✔ Who would miss they should they go missing?

✔ Who might protect they?

✔ Who might be convinced to sell they out?

✔ How close are they to their friends?

✔ What do they know about them?

✔ What do they not know about them?

✔ What do they know and not know about them?

✔ Do they live with anyone (housemates, roommates, relatives, friends, near-strangers, family friend, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover)?

✔ Are they a member of any special interest groups?

✔ What is their level of involvement?

✔ What is their current status with local law-enforcement?

✔ Do they have a record of cooperation or non-cooperation with authorities?

✔ Do they have a file with local, national or international law enforcement?



✔ Do they, or did they, have any role models?

✔ Do they have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend?

✔ If so, have they ever met them?

✔ Did they ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances?

✔ When did they decide to become an adventurer?

✔ Why have they chosen to risk their life as a career?

✔ What do they expect to get out of being an adventurer (satisfaction, glory, money, redemption, etc.)? What, if anything, would make they stop adventuring (death of a loved one, marriage, mutilation, money, position, old age, etc.)?

✔ Do they have any dreams or ambitions?

✔ If not, why?

✔ How does adventuring fit into this dream, or does it at all?

✔ What are their short term goals (what would they like to be doing within a year)?

✔ What are their long term goals (what would they like to be doing twenty years from now)?

✔ If these goals seem at odds with each other, or with their dreams, how do they reconcile the differences?

✔ How do they seek to fulfill these dreams, goals, & ambitions?

✔ Do they have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are the origins of, or reasons behind them?

✔ What, if anything, would it take for they to be able to overcome this?

✔ How do they react when this fear manifests itself?

✔ Are they willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation?

✔ What are their attitudes regarding material wealth?

✔ Are they miserly with their share of the wealth, or do they spend it freely?

✔ Are they greedy or generous?

✔ Do they see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end?

✔ How do they generally treat others?

✔ Do they trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not?

✔ Are they introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)?

✔ Are they a humble soul or blusteringly proud?

✔ Do they act differently than they feel (concealing their true thoughts)?

✔ What habits would they find most annoying in friends?

✔ Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which they are strongly prejudiced, and why?

✔ How do others typically react to they?

✔ Why, in their opinion, do they act that way?

✔ What are their most annoying habits?

✔ What is their favourite food?

✔ What is their favourite drink?

✔ What is their favourite treat (desert)?

✔ Do they favour a particular cuisine?

✔ Do they savor the tastes when eating or "wolf down" their food?

✔ Do they like food mild or heavily spiced?

✔ Are there any specific foodstuffs that they find disgusting or refuse to eat?

✔ Are they allergic to any food?

✔ What are their favourite colour(s)?

✔ Is there any colour that they dislike?

✔ Do they have a favourite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument?

✔ What is their favourite bard song?

✔ If they have a favourite scent, what is it?

✔ What is their favourite type of animal?

✔ Do they have an animal totem or affinity, and if so for what?

✔ Is there a certain type of animal that they hate or fear?

✔ Are they allergic to any kinds of animals?

✔ Do they have any allergies?

✔ Is there anything that enrages they?

✔ Is there anything which embarrasses they?

✔ How do they react to being teased about it?

✔ Do they enjoy "roughing it", or do they prefer their creature comforts?

✔ Do they believe in the gods?

✔ Do they have a patron deity?

✔ Are they devout or impious?

✔ Do they actively worship and proselytize or do they simply pay lip service?

✔ What lengths would they go to defend their faith?

✔ Was their faith influenced or molded by anyone special?

✔ Do they belong to the orthodox church, or a fringe element thereof (and is the group accepted, frowned upon, or considered heretics)?

✔ How has this impacted their faith and life?

✔ Is their church an accepted religion where they grew up or did it have to conduct its services in secret?

✔ How did this affect their faith and life?

✔ Have they ever been persecuted for their faith?

✔ If so, when and how did they handle it?

✔ Can they kill?

✔ When did they decide (or learn) that they could?

✔ What happened and how did they handle it?

✔ When do they consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)?

✔ When do they consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)?

✔ What would they do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under their "wrong" circumstances, what would be their reaction?

✔ What if it were their enemy?

✔ What if it were their friend?

✔ What if it were an innocent?

✔ What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed)?

✔ What would they do if someone shot at (attacked) they?

✔ What would they do if something were stolen from they?

✔ What would they do if they were badly insulted publicly?

✔ What would they do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death?

✔ What is the one task they would absolutely refuse to do?

✔ What do they consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?

✔ How do they feel about government (rulers) in general?

✔ Why do they feel that way?

✔ Do they support the current government of their homeland?

✔ If so, how far are they willing to go to defend the government? If not, do they actively oppose it?

✔ Do they belong to an anti-government organization?

✔ If so, describe the group and its aims.

✔ What form of government do they believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why?

✔ Have they ever been persecuted for their political stance?

✔ If so, describe the occurrence and how it affected they?

✔ Are they a member of any non-religious group, cause, order, or organization?

✔ If so describe it, its goals, and membership.

✔ How loyal are they to this group and why?

✔ How did they become a member?

✔ If they are a former member, did they leave voluntarily or involuntarily and why?

✔ Was it under good (amicable) conditions or bad?

✔ Are they being sought or hunted by the organization?

✔ If so, by whom and with what intent (to murder you, to force their return through blackmail or coercion, to spy on they and make sure they do not reveal any of the groups secrets)?

✔ Do they have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others?

✔ If so, describe them and how they acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them.

✔ How do they react if made fun of for any of these things?

✔ Do they have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed?

✔ If so, are there any reasons behind them from their past?

✔ Do they have an unusual gait or accent?

✔ If so, where did they acquire them?

✔ Are there any circumstances where they become more (or less) evident?

✔ How do they feel and react if made fun of for any of these things?

✔ What is their favourite colour?

✔ What place would they most like to visit?

✔ What annoys they the most?

✔ What (if any) are their favourite forms of art?

✔ What is their most treasured possession?

✔ What things could he/ she not live without?

✔ Do they have a good luck charm?

✔ If their life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would they do in those remaining hours?

✔ Do they have a "Black-and-White" view of reality or can they see shades of grey?

✔ Do they prefer to tear down or build up?

✔ Are they deliberate or spontaneous?

✔ Do they prefer the town or the country?

✔ If made to decide, would they rather be deaf or blind? Why?

✔ How do they feel about magic, myth, and the supernatural?

✔ Do they remember their dreams?

✔ Describe a typical dream they might have.

✔ Describe their worst nightmares.



✔ Where and how were they educated?

✔ Who trained they in their class or job?

✔ What was their relationship with their teacher(s)/mentor(s)?

✔ How did they happen across this teacher or mentor?

✔ Was their mentor kind, stern, cruel, indifferent?

✔ Is this person or institution still in existence?

✔ Were they forced into their profession by parents or peers?

✔ Did circumstances dictate their choice of profession?

✔ Were they a prize student or did they just barely pass?

✔ Look at their skills. How did they acquire them (especially the unusual ones)?

✔ Have they ever done anything else for a living?

✔ How do they function in combat (maneuvers, weaknesses)?

✔ How would they best be defeated?

✔ Have they ever received any awards or honours?

✔ What have they done that was considered "outstanding" in their occupation by others in their field?

✔ What are their long-term goals in work?

✔ Describe any traumatic experiences in their present occupation that has affected they deeply in some way.

✔ How do their relatives and friends view their present occupation?

✔ Is there anything that they don't currently know how to do that they wish they could?

✔ Are they envious of others who can do such things in a good-natured way or are they sullen and morose about it?



✔ What is their normal daily routine?

✔ How do they feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason?

✔ What are their hobbies when they are not adventuring or training?

✔ What would they do if they had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse themselves?

✔ What do they do for relaxation?What things do they do for enjoyment? What interests do they have?

✔ How do they normally dress when not in their adventuring gear?

✔ Do they like to dress up or down to relax?

✔ Do they have a look or style? If so, describe it.

✔ What do they normally wear in bed at home?

✔ What do they normally wear in bed while adventuring?

✔ Do they wear any identifiable jewelry?

✔ Where do they normally put their weapons, magic items, or other valuables when they are sleeping?

✔ What morning or evening routines do they normally have?

✔ Do these change when they are adventuring?

✔ What pastime (that they participate in regularly) gives they the most enjoyment?

✔ What pastime (that they participate in regularly) gives they the least enjoyment?

✔ Do they read the newspaper?

✔ If so, which sections and how often?

✔ Travel: how do they get around locally?

✔ What is their idea of a good evening's entertainment?

✔ Do they get seasick, airsick, motion sick (auto or animal)?

✔ Do they like riding animals?

✔ Any fears in traveling?

✔ What sorts of general belongings or equipment do they take when traveling?

✔ What are their hangout places?

✔ Do they go to a bar after work?

✔ Do they play pool?

✔ Do they go dancing? Who goes with they?

✔ What do they read?Scientific textbooks, historical novels, myths and legends, maps, cookbooks, romances, news magazines, science fiction, fantasy, horror, the newspaper, short stories?

✔ What music do they like?

✔ Do they have a favourite artist, band or bard?

✔ Will they listen to or sing the same songs over and over, or does it drive they nuts when people do that?

✔ How do they exercise? Work out at the gym, walk in the morning, run marathons, play sports, couch potato?

✔ Where do they live?

✔ Do they rent or own?

✔ Apartment, house or castle?

✔ How close are the neighbors?

✔ Is it a good neighborhood?

✔ What colour is the house?

✔ Which floor are they on?

✔ Do they have a lawn?

✔ What about a flower garden?

✔ Does their house have an attic or basement?

✔ What does their furniture look like?

✔ Do they buy antiques?

✔ What are their walls covered with? Wallpaper, art, photos?

✔ What sorts of curtains do they have? Frilly lacy ones, Venetian blinds, pull-down shades?

✔ Do they keep their house clean?

✔ Is it dusty?

✔ Is the bathtub moldy or coated in rust?

✔ Do they clean it herself?

✔ What do their desk or workspace look like?Small and cramped, huge and expansive, covered in drifts of books and papers? neatly ordered and clean?

✔ Can they find what you're looking for when they need it?

✔ What color are their sheets?

✔ Satin or cotton?

✔ Patterned with flowers, or covered with pictures of toy robots?

✔ What sorts of food do they eat?

✔ Do they cook their own dinners?

✔ Are they a good cook, a gourmet, or a terrible cook?

✔ Do they eat out?

✔ Are they on a diet?

✔ Where do they vacation, and how often?

✔ Do they have any pets?

✔ Do they keep a calendar or address book?

✔ Where do they keep it?

✔ Do they have a Will?

✔ What does it say?



✔ What would they like to be remembered for after their death?

✔ What kind of threat do they present to the public?

✔ If their features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying their body?

✔ How much is a pint of mead?

✔ As a player, if you could, what advice would you give this character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice...


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