More of Chapter Five

May 16, 2006 14:13

Here's some more of chapter five. I can't say enough how glad I am that so many people like this story. It's good to know that writing this story isn't a total waste. Now for some good news: look for an update very, very soon *cough* Thursday *cough*.

“I don’t want to talk to James.” Her face was flushed, and she was shaking slightly. She was mad. Very mad.

Sirius let go of her elbow and sighed. “Come on Evans. It’s been two weeks.”


“So...I think it’s time the two of you talked, and I think you should be the one to do it.”

Lily’s jaw dropped. “What? Why should I be the one to do it?”

Sirius started fidgeting with something his pocket. He was quickly becoming impatient with her. “Because you’re the one that is being a nuisance!”

The anger began to flood through her body. “Why does everybody think I’m the problem?! He was the one that yelled at me, remember! I didn’t yell at him; he yelled at me!”

Sirius clenched his jaw and scowled at her. “Stop acting like a two-year-old Evans. Yeah, he yelled at you, but you were ignoring him. So, I think that makes you both even.”

Lily bit her lip and began to fidget with the silver ring that her grandmother had given her when she was a girl. She didn’t want to admit it, but Sirius did have a point. But it still wasn’t enough to make her want to go and talk to James.

“Black, this has nothing to do with you. Why don’t you mind your own damn business!”

He sneered at her. “Of course it’s my business! It’s my best friend you’re making fucking miserable!” If Lily wasn’t so upset right now, she would have found Sirius’s loyalty to James adorable. Instead, she just continued to glare at Sirius, hoping that he would finally leave her alone.

He threw his hands up in the air, losing all control of his patience. “You know, just forget it Evans. You’re being your usual stubborn self and there’s no point getting threw to you. The best I can give James is a bottle of firewhiskey with a note saying ‘good luck with Evans’ on it.”

Somewhere in the middle of Sirius’s argument, Lily’s anger had turned to hurt. A chill ran threw her body, and her lips began to tremble. Don’t cry. Oh god, don’t cry.

It was too late. Tears began to stream down her cheeks, and Lily furiously tried to wipe them away.
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