Feb 02, 2006 19:54
My problems are no longer debt and arborists... but buying shoes which don't fit me just for the sake of prettiness! Oh me, does anyone know any magical cures to make size 6½'s turn to 7's overnight? My legs feel royally bent!
I had a horrid dream the other night about someone cooking my kitten Millie in the microwave. Thank goodness I woke up from that, I'm not sure where some of these vile dreams come from... certainly not my imagination! If it were up to me all I'd dream of would be french ballerinas and carousel horses.
My exam papers arrived yesterday and I seem to be the only one who thinks that the NCEA markers were pretty generous this time, I got my first ever 100 perfect score for photography, woo! (forgive me, I have nowhere else to gloat) and I shall have to thank Steven if I ever see him again for letting the fireworks off in the english exam, I got far more compassionate consideration than I deserve! *sigh* Only at High...