Dec 31, 2004 01:27
Oh lordy, I can't believe I still haven't written anything in here about christmas! And since I'm so uncool and behind the times I'll write it now...
It didn't go so badly really, I got some rather beauteous stuff... my favourite was a necklace that looks like the one out of the Followed The Waves video clip (except it doesn't have a wailing Melissa in it), and a Through The Looking Glass book from 1892 and a custom-made petticoat which is muuuuch too poofy to fit under any of my skirts, but works as a skirt in itself, so yay.
It's funny how I don't have much of anything to say in here anymore... I must be getting old or something.
Oh, yes. Alana leaves awfully soon... very very awfully soon. Eek! I'm not sure siamese twins are supposed to be on opposite sides of the world.