Oct 07, 2009 16:56

He drinks Dos Equis, obviously. But he enjoys many of the other finer things in life: Boddingtons Cream Ale, Xingu Blackbeer, WHISKEY, and a bubbley glass of Toad Hollow Risque, which was brought to his attention by a former collegue... a true snake of a man who's opportunistic backstabbery proved to be too much to allow the friendship to continue. He's a man of the land, never to be put off by the elements. He is a survivor, having braved those elements; his life frequently flashes before his eyes. Never one to be set in his ways, he constantly searches for new means of entertainment- most favorably in the elements. To cut inside a linebacker on a post route is bliss, the pass over the middle soaring to his average sized hands. They are symbolic, his hands, for they represent the underdog. He who is brushed aside in search for the next big thing believes in those like himself, for he has achieved what he knows others can. What he has not achieved damns him in his sleep, only to be drank away like the barrel-aged angels that subdue him. He his ambitious, his plans larger than himself, and twice as secretive. To "get" him IS to "get him."

As a man of his experiences, he knows a good thing when he sees it.

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