Jun 07, 2010 22:24

JUNE 6TH , FINSBURY PARK, JUST AFTER 9PM..............................................................RAGE START THE TAKE OVER

the celebration for their victory over simon cowell, and stopping xfactor getting another christmas number 1 AGAIN.

YEP, i was one of the lucky ones who managed to get one of the free tickets to see rage against the machine.

they were brilliant although whilst trying to enjoy domb track i was busy being crushed to death by a mosh pit which appeared out of no where......now i tried avoiding it , due to the fact im too small and well would die in a mosh pit. as it was in the space of an hour i got crushed several times, and managed to gain a few rather deep purle bruises on my legs...thank god the weather s horrid for the next week so i dont haev to wear shorts for work !! lol. although my legs feel bruised all over but cant see any other bruises yet lol.

anyhoo back to gig. some great songs and some funny moments too, most notably the fact that rage were introduced by simon cowell....kinda lol

and was finished (after only an hour which was some what dissapointing) by playing  killing in the name of, which was introduced with lots of qoutes from papers and simon cowell and peoples saying that rage had no chance of getting number 1.........this powerpoint presentation was accompanied by the rival xfactor song  some what amusing is what i can say lol. the power point finished with YOU MADE HISTORY
and then rage started playing the closing song of the night.


Awesome night....followed by a some what compact and crazy attempt to get home.

 (whoops description of first one is meant to be for the second one lol)

40,000 one exit and one train statin.......one big ass crowd.
the police i think did well keeping it all under control, closing of part of the road to allow the crowds to spread out off the pavement. although they seemed to fail to notice the 3, yes 3 ment ontop of a double decker bus yep.....ONTOP of a big ass red double decker....the crowds cheered and clapped and they went off into the night still atop their red steed hehehe.
some how me and my friend managed to get home to hers ok. we caught one of the last tube trains from finsbury park, and caught our change of tube to charing cross where we had no choice but to get the last train back to hers at 12.15 am.
needless tosay today im rather sleepy and achy but had a great night :)

anyhoo for now thats all....back to work tomorrow after 11 days off work :( eeekkk wish me luck

night night all

UH x

oh i forgot to say look there were some elephants there too...well in leister square anyhoo

rage against the machine

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