I decided no to change the comic. This one got good reviews from a lot of people, so it stayed. The only difference was some of the text on the last panel anyways. So! Sorry it took me so long to make additional postings. I've been ill. And then lazy, but still kinda' ill. Now I'm just illin'. LAWL!
I'm gonna strong arm Devin into taking photos of my currently still healing tattoo, so that you can have a gander if you choose to do so. Its coming along pretty well, itches like you wouldn't believe. But I can't scratch it, so I wander around the house slapping my back gently to stop the itchings. I'm sure I look funny, but thats not really new.
Nothing really new. I've got some more links for you, and a new comic by the end of the week. Thanks for reading my mental spewings.