My life is rated PG.
What is your life rated? ok,ok... So you may say my life is boring... ( and on occasion I'd have to agree with you) But, I really don't care... It's not me to drink, do drugs, and do stuff with guys... The way I see it is that I'm not going to do anything that I'll have to tell God about when I die, or tell my husband about when we get married. Yeah, I've heard it before... I'm missing out... but, how can ya'll say that? What am I missing out on? STDS and teenage pregnancy? no thanks... the most asked question I've heard has always been " has there ever been a time that you would have given you're all to a guy?" and to that I'd have to say no... and to me that's a good thing. But, right now, when I'm truly falling for the WRONG GUY, it could come back to haunt me... I can't date him, I can't allow myself to. He's not the christian guy that I need to be dating... and besides, if I did date him, what if he tried something? What if I couldn't say no? I guess that in this situation it is best to stay away from him... but, he has the prettiest eyes, and he always knows what to say when I'm scared or down... they always say that the right one is out there, well, where the heck is he? If you have any pointers- leave a comment... God Bless- Katie
*** Star light, Star Bright, Where the heck is Mr. Right? ***