I need to gush about my new kitty for a minute. He is doing so great with Cricket. She is a tiny dog and she's afraid of most other dogs. She was afraid of Marcus. Curiosity is winning though. She's always been interested in cats. I picked Marcus because he seemed so relaxed and friendly, and Cricket is nothing if not a good cuddler
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so, half the middle school kids that i work with are these black girls, who have apparently ascribed to the theory that because they are black girls, they need to have an attitude. they are ridiculous, and almost everything is interpreted as race-related to them. (like, i don't ever swear because i'm white, etc.) one of them said the most amazing thing to me the other day: i should cut off my dreads, because white people don't know how to take care of dreads, only black people. so at least twice a week now, one or more of them (in an attempt to make me look more... i don't know, fashion-conscious) tell me that i should brush them out/cut them off, and it makes me want to cry. not b/c they don't like them (i could care less), but because the very thought of cutting off my dreadies is... terrible!! haha.
i do get sick of the SAME FUCKING QUESTIONS about my hair, though: 'do you/can you wash it? how'd you DO that? are you a rastafarian?' it's like, '#1: yes, i still have hair, and i can still apply shampoo to it; why the fuck COULDN"T i wash it? #2: well... you take a section of hair, and comb it backwards, and keep combing it backwards, and then you roll it, and then you comb it, and you do this for a couple months. bitches. #3: now, do these people even KNOW anything about rastafarianism? do they KNOW that it's basically a concept espoused by marcus garvey about the black people reclaiming what (was) taken from them when a whole shit-ton were transported to the caribbean/america/europe as slaves, and it's a whole 'back to africa' thing for them? why in god's name would i be a rasta? black people are great, and yes, several hundred years ago, they got fucked over majorly (and it hasn't completely abated, by far), but still... i don't quite understand why i would ascribe to a religion whose basic beliefs have NOTHING to do with me.'
the end.
wow, that was long. i should post this in my LJ... haha.
My favorite question that black men usually ask is "What are you trying to do to your hair?" HAHA! I love the "trying" part. I'm like, they're dreadlocks, but with my hair type, it's a process :D
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