(no subject)

Dec 05, 2007 13:36

I am now moved out of my mom's house and into the apartment with Justin. Let me now say what is wrong with the place. First off, when we moved in it was disgusting. The guy that lived there before us must have never cleaned...anything! And he didn't even clean out the fridge when he let, it was gross. Our shower has no handle, we have to use plier things for now to turn it on, and there is a huge hole in our closet because of the shower. The landlord said that he called the plumber to get a new handle for the shower, but the plumber hasnt called him back yet. Lovely. And, I have no idea when the hole in our closet will be fixed. Max tried to jump in it today and ended up almost hurting himself. Oh, and we have no furniture for the living room, no cable, no computer. My mom told me that once we get furniture it will feel more like home. I hope. And the landlord still hasn't taken the cheque out for first and last months rent. I'm wondering if I dated it wrong.

I'm not sure how I feel about Justin anymore. I don't want to break up with him or anything, i'm just not sure whether I love him or not. Our relationship has moved quite quickly, and i'm wondering if I just thought I was in love. I don't want to hurt him either, I just need time to think right now.

Still no job. I had an interview a couple of weeks ago, and that's about it. I applied to three places this week, but haven't heard anything back yet. I think the reason I am so down lately is because I have way too much time on my hands. I did laundry today. One load took me about 2 hours to do, because of the one pair of pants in it, they didn't want to dry. Now, I am over at my mom's, or what I think of as home. I have cried everyday since we moved...and I cried even before we moved. it didn't help when my mom started crying last week, or when she told me on Monday that she had cried that night. I feel bad for moving out, and I feel like I abandoned my dog Sheila. Although I live about a 5 minute walk away. That's why I come home everyday, plus it gives me something to do other than sitting at the apartment by myself. Even though i'm here alone, at least there is a TV and the computer. I mostly come here just to see Sheila and to let her know I haven't forgotten about her. I'm sure she doesn't really care though.

I'm so worried about money too. But I won't be when I get a job. But if I don't get by the end of the month i'm going to call welfare, to go on it until I have a job. Although i'm ashamed to say I might go on welfare. Not saying that I look down on people that are on it or anything, I just never thought I would need it.

Well I guess that's it for now, and I should be heading back over to our crypt. Maybe I will take a nap. Or do more laundy, or read or watch a movie. Since that's about all I can do there. If I go insane, I won't be surprised.

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