Mar 23, 2008 21:45
I just thought i would say that to everyone. i had a good eatser.I went to my house with james and there was A TON of food that my dad mainly cooked and we went to the park later on and played wiffle ball! i really had a good time with my family today and i thihk james had a good time too which im glad about. Days like today dont happen often so it made me happy.
I also got alot of compliments saying that i looked pretty and that i was losing wieght. It feels nice because ive been TRYING to stay away from mcdonalds. all i eat are sandwhiches now which is a hell lot better then fast food.
and now im home with james and i just got the sims2 so im going to play it. i hope its good cause it cost 30 bucks! but i gotta thank my baby for buying it for me... hes the best thing in the world and gosh od i love him <3
alright well imma go ttyl