Aug 30, 2005 11:47
Does all bottled water taste the same to you? no
If money was no object, where would you go out to eat tonight? I don't know
Turn around and look behind you, what do you see? a wall
What's the first section you usually go to when you go to Walmart? I don't go to Walmart.
When is the last time you had a haircut? few months ago
What kind of shampoo is in your shower right now? I have no clue.
How fast can you type on the keyboard? fast
What time is it? 11:41 AM
What time do you wish it was? earlier
Did you get enough sleep last night? yeah
Who is your favorite family member? I don't have one
If there were no exotic species laws, what kind of pet would you get? a tiger
Are jigsaw puzzles annoying or delightful to you? annoying
If you could do anything you wanted to today what would it be? jump out of a plane
Can you lick your elbow? yeah
Can you put your leg behind your head? yeah
Do you crack your knuckles? yeah
Favorite brand of chapstick: it doesn't matter
Least favorite food: spaghetti
Bubble baths or showers? it depends on my mood
Are you allergic to anything? nope
Are you an upfront person? no
Have you ever flashed anyone? no
What kind of gum is your favorite? I don't know
What time is it? 12
What time to you wish it was? earlier
What's the best sitcom ever made: Friends
Favorite things to steal from a hotel room: I don't know
Have allergies? no
If you stay up too late, what is the typical reason? not tired yet
Mostly A's, mostly B's, mostly C's or mostly D's? all A's
Favorite color to wear: black
Shoe size: I don't know
How often do you check your email? once every few days
Friends with cheerleaders, hated cheerleaders, was a cheerleader? none of these
Favorite pasta shape: It doesn't matter
A shape you wish they made pasta in: I don't care
If you could have a t-shirt made to say anything you wanted what would it say? I don't know
Ever dyed your hair? highlighted
Ever permed your hair? no
Do you love to dress up or do you hate it? in-between
What's the view out the nearest window? my backyard
How is the weather outside? I haven't been outside
How do you wish it was? nice and breezy
Did OJ Simpson do it? yes
If you could be with anyone right now, who would it be? hmm Devin
How do you feel about camping? gross
Single, dating, engaged, married? dating