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Currently sitting here whilst people sing pub songs (one of the great intervarsity traditions). Currently they are singing Gaudate, it may go on for hours. For the non-choral folk, think like “….. Best” but a bit more educated.
My two other favourite IV traditions have just passed - the film night and the revue night.
The film night is where old film and video recordings are shown of the previous festivals. The earliest films date from the 1960s. Seeing bits of Australia reminds how quintessiantly cities don’t change. The usual most important film is of the previous festival. This years was great. I’m part of that tradition
as I’ve edited several, I didn’t do this years but it is great to see the tradition continue.
The Revue night is a typical camp revue, but with people who can sing and have a tendancy for filking choral works. I like it because it is very much a community thing.
Anyhow, I should go to bed as I need sleep … more updates from IV later.