FATE on Charlie's fingers

Oct 24, 2004 12:34

Does it exsist?
Does everything happen for a reason? Is there such as thing as fate? Do the 'powers' collide to make things happen?
I don't really believe in God. But I believe in things like reincarnation and fate and everything happens for a reason. We are all who we are for some strange, psycho reason that no one will and should never know. Some of us are who we are-studious, boring people like myself. Why I am the person I am? Who decided who I was to be? Fate. Not God, not something else. Fate. Sure. I may not matter in the swing of things, but somehow, I am here for some strange and mysterical reason.
We will never know everything that exsists, everything that happens. We shouldn't know this. I for one, don't want to know this.
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