Hello. Hi. Hey. Hej.

May 16, 2006 18:54

So, there are of course things I've been meaning to write about. But those are the things I'm just going to keep putting off until some middle of the night boredom strikes me. I'm sure I have plenty of time.

Instead I'm going to talk about something small. Something very small. Something the size of a pea in fact, because it is a pea. It is a completely random and unexpected and likely misplaced pea my sister found in her dish at dinner before her Junior Prom a few weeks ago.

Not a lot of people probably know this about me... It's not something at exactly comes up in everyday conversation... But (with the obvious exception of potatoes) peas are one of my favorite vegetables. They're so green. They're so sweet. They're so tiny and delicious and spring-like. They kind of end up in a lot of the stuff I eat. I boil them with the spaghetti. I sprinkle them liberally on pizza. I mix them in with mashed potatoes. I throw them in with scrambled eggs. I kid you not.

So this single pea that really wasn't supposed to be in her food at all made Kalinda think of me. It made me think of me when she told me the story later. It was like I was at her big dance in spirit! (Although I wouldn't want to be reincarnated as a pea in a next life.) I was thinking about it again for a second just now, and I could picture rows and rows of little peas following my sister into the future. At her wedding, peas will somehow creep in if I can't be there. Being her wedding, I might be dead. Because I can also picture dragging her into a spinstery life and unintentionally scaring off any suitors with my batty older sister ways. At her kid's first Halloween, the tot will be dressed as a pea in a pod. Okay, I might have to be alive to ensure that one happens since I can't imagine her doing something that nerdy to her child... though motherhood does drive people to do some crazy things in the fashion department.

Anyway. What was the point of this? Peas. She can't always be my cute little sister. Hmmmm. [edit: advance apologies for schmaltz!]

Listen To: http://www.eeniemeenie.com/artists/audio_video/Irving_TurnOfTheCentury.mp3
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