i know it's probably not my place

Jan 03, 2014 13:44


The Birds and the Bees by
Lord Legerwood, unknotting with the ease of long practice the tangled skein of his wife's speech, said, "Do I take it you want me to discuss the niceties of love-making with Freddy?"

"Yes," replied his other half baldly.

He could think of a dozen things he would rather do than hold such a conversation with his son, among them walking barefoot over hot coals or strolling down Bond Street without trousers. But he knew that Emma, scatterbrained as she could be, was right. Discreet inquiries over the years since Freddy's majority had yielded no evidence that he ever kept a mistress or even visited one of those establishments that catered to a gentleman's needs. Freddy was undoubtedly as virginal as his bride-to-be, and perhaps a few pointers wouldn't go amiss to help get the newlyweds off to a good start.

"Very well, Emma," he said, resigned to his fate. "I will have a talk with Freddy." And hilarity ensues. This gets the voices just right. So adorable!

A Night to Remember by
Adorable little story about Freddy and Kitty's wedding night that gets the voices just right.


The Middleman

Baby, You're Much Too Fast by
She shoved a handful of bills at Ida. "Chocolate," she hissed again.

Ida exited the car. As she approached the door to the store, Roxy yelled out, "Donuts! They're as close as you can get to eating a human soul!"

Ida ignored the stares of the patrons pumping gas as she entered the convenience store. Roxy kidnaps Ida for help, and MM and Wendy cover for her back at Middleman HQ. Hilarious and really captures the voices and the vibe of the show.

The Devil's Dance by
Missing scene from The Flying Fish Zombification. The Middleman teaches Wendy the devil's dance. Gets the voices spot on.

Epiphany by
Holiday gift-giving between Wendy and her friends. Aw.


Ocean's Eleven

Showing Your Hand by
"Hugh Hefner called. He wants his robe back," Danny said.

"You're a liar and a thief. Never make that comparison again." Lovely, bantery first time for Danny and Rusty. <3


Sports Night

Once More, With Feeling by
Jeremy keeps chickening out on proposing to Natalie. Adorable!

Punishment by
Natalie's in a mood and Dan doesn't even know why he's being punished. This is adorable.


The Heat

Brass in Pocket by
Really lovely, slow-growing Ashburn/Mullins. <3

Or Should I Walk by Again by
"A serial killer's den? You keep grenades in your fridge, Mullins. Grenades!"

Shannon sniffed. "Adds character," she said implacably. "Unlike your fridge full of yogurt and orange juice. God. It's like a fucking magazine spread in there, right out of Boring Women's Weekly or some fucking thing. You know what, you need a grenade. You need a little life in there."

"There isn't supposed to be life in the fridge, Mullins," Sarah said. "The whole point of a fridge to prevent life from growing in your--" Shannon was just looking at her with raised eyebrows. Sarah stopped, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and counted to three. Delightfully sweet and in-character story about Mullins livening up Ashburn's life. <3


Due to a ridiculous proliferation of spam comments on this LJ, I've closed comments here. Please comment at http://unfitforsociety.dreamwidth.org/217192.html if at all possible. Thanks.

cotillion, yuletide, sports night, ocean's 11, the heat, middleman

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