A Secret History of Sherlock's Socks by
dashakayJoan starts to figure Sherlock out, via his socks. This is hilarious and charming and perfectly in character all at once.
Solve For X by
YahtzeeTheir relationship as it stands has one mathematical certainty: It will end in twenty-five days.
At that time, her sojourn as his sober companion will end. Either Watson will pass out of his life forever, or Holmes will have to devise another option.
Maddeningly officious as she can be, stern and demanding as he sometimes finds her, he has absolutely no intention of letting her pass out of his life. Whatever he has to do to keep her around, he'll do. Holmes even briefly considered using again. A relapse into the warm deceitful embrace of heroin would mean another (hopefully briefer) stint in rehab and then another six weeks of sober companionship, wouldn't it?
But he's rejected this plan. Relapsing would be the same as saying to his father that Joan Watson had failed. He wants to keep her around, but won't throw her under the bus. Really excellent look at Sherlock trying to figure out how to get Joan to stay after the six weeks is up, and their relationship in the bargain.
let yourself be found by
radiophileQuiet, lovely look at Joan learning to read Sherlock.
The Thin Man
The Case of the Missing Martini Olive by
icepixie"It's entirely possible that olive just couldn't stand being parted from you while you were indisposed. And I can't say I blame it."
She preened a bit at the compliment, then narrowed her eyes. "As nice as that theory is, I rather think it's you we should be investigating for the olive-specifically your stomach." She poked him in the suspected region.
"Darling, do you really think I'd eat the olive and leave the martini?"
She contemplated that for a moment. "No, I suppose that's not your style."
"Thank you." He picked up the martini glass again and swallowed the rest of it-just to be sure the missing olive hadn't turned up while they were talking, of course. Adorable Nick/Nora that gets the banter down perfectly. <3
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