The Infernal Celibacy Rededication (Or how Roxy decided she didn't need her groove back after all) by
st_aurafinaI really liked this look at how Roxy came to be a reformed succubus - how she made her choice and keeps making it every day. With some wonderful cameos. I would love to know more about the Victorian Middleman we meet in this story.
The Meandering Exploration Experiment by
epicycles"Take it easy on the gas pedal, sweetcheeks. I've heard THC slows down your reaction time."
"I will turn this car around."
"Please, I'm your GPS, map display and navigation equipment. Without me you couldn't take us to the nearest head shop, let alone back to HQ."
"Well, I definitely remember there was a lake a few miles back that looked deep enough to at least take out your voice circuits, KITT."
"Try me, Hasselhoff." This is exactly what MM and Wendy (and Ida!) on a road trip would be like. Adorable.
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