howling on the radio

Apr 26, 2011 11:41


The Truth in the Lie by erinya
She makes him feel so stupid, sometimes. Her cold analysis makes the articles of his faith sound small and silly. Pitiful under that harsh light, like bones on a table: neatly deconstructed, categorized, explained. Does it have to be dead before she can see the meaning in it? Lovely ficlet in which Booth ruminates on his feelings for Brennan.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

on this night of all nights by ladyofthelog
The Scoobies and the potentials are determined to give Willow the seder she wants even though Sunnydale is rapidly becoming a ghost town. Lovely and bittersweet.



Five Things That Never Happened to Nikki Heat...and One That Happened to Kate Beckett by fialka
Exactly what it says on the tin. Castle writes some Heat/Rook fanfic, and then he and Beckett have a conversation.



The High School After High School by
Troy goes missing. Annie and Abed team up to find out what happened to him. Really excellent - captures both the voices and the feel of the show completely, with bonus Troy/Abed makeouts.


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04/11, castle, bones, btvs, community

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