the words she knows, the tune she hums

Dec 21, 2009 11:11

Star Trek Reboot

Graduate Vulcan for Fun and Profit by lazulisong
"There has been one other human that has attained this level of mastery of the Vulcan language, and she is an ambassador's wife." Sakel stares at him pointedly. / Jim kind of just has to gape at him for a second. "Are you saying I should let everybody know I know Vulcan so I can marry up?" / "That is illogical," says Sakel primly. "I merely mean to point out that it is a rare accomplishment, and one you should take satisfaction in." / "Oh my God, you have some sort of Vulcan crush on this woman!" howls Jim, even more horrified than he was a second ago. / "Amanda Grayson is young enough to be my granddaughter," says Sakel, which is totally not a denial. Utterly lovely story about Kirk and growing up and languages.

How Many Roads? or, 27 Times Jim Kirk Hit On Nyota Uhura by captanddeastar
Jim Kirk is a pig. He is unquestionably a pig. But when Nyota steps on a sharp stone and falls, Jim helps her up without question, and he asks her deferentially whether she'd like him to give her a hand, with no innuendo, and without just assuming he's welcome. Lovely story of the long bickery friendship between Kirk and Uhura.


st:reboot, 12/09

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