And Won the Soul's Rest by
concernedlilyReally interesting AU set in the middle ages, where Sam is a monk and Dean is a mercenary, and the YED is still after Sam. The dialogue straddles the line between too modern and just different enough to be believably archaic, and the artwork is lovely.
Animals in Cellophane by
smilla02Sometimes Dean wishes he could close his eyes and see nothing ever again, but he's glad that whatever it is, it doesn't work when he looks himself in the mirror. Dark, hard and heartbreaking. Dean's back, but he's not the same.
backseat drivers by
wanttobeatreeGirls, John decides, would definitely have less toilet humour. The Winchesters are stuck in a traffic jam and Sam and Dean won't stop talking and it's driving John a little nuts. Utterly adorable.
Debts and Promises by
annkiriI really enjoyed this story, the way the past informs the present and the slow way the story unfolds. I wish the bit about Jess being a replacement for Dean wasn't there, but otherwise, I really liked this, esp. Dean's journal entries. (wincest)
Duty and Mirages by
leonidasdenHeartbreaking and suspenseful story about a hunt that finds the Winchesters, rather than the other way around. Dean is, of course, heartbreaking and awesome all at once.
Fire or Fire by
lemmealoneSam's gotten Dean back from hell, and slowly he puts him back together. I love Sam's strength here, how he cares for Dean, and how Dean is slowly coming back to himself. The casefile is cool, too. And Bobby and Ellen are wonderful.
In the Land of Milk and Honey, You Must Put Them On the Table by
newredshoesShort, sharp look at what happens immediately post-No Rest for the Wicked. Sam has to deal. He's not alone.
In the Unlikeliest Places by K Hanna Korossy
Adorable outside POV of the Winchesters - a nosy neighbor ends up helping Dean out when Sam gets kidnapped. Ignore the fact that the author apparently (wrongly) thinks Dean's hair is blond.
In Totus Tamen Nomen by
teandBobby and Sam in the aftermath of No Rest for the Wicked. "I have no intention of dying for Dean. I'm planning on making him live for me." // "Send the sentiment to Hallmark, son."
Over Yonder in a Minor Key by
annalazarusWhile Dean and Sam are lying low, Sam hooks up with a girl, and then with Dean. I really like how natural the progression felt - it was awkward but believable for them, and also how real Tess is. (Wincest)
Pray Your Gods by
apreludetoanendhe'd suddenly thought of Layla, wished he'd asked her how. How to have faith, how to believe, when the miracles don't happen at all. Heartbreakingly beautiful. Layla dies on a Wednesday, and Dean grieves.
Product Misplacement by
caffienekitty"Demonic mac and cheese, Sam? Seriously?" // "It fell out of the sky, Dean. It smells like sulfur. This is atypical macaroni behavior." *dies laughing*
A Thin Chain of Next Moments by
batyatoon dotficAU in which Dean makes the deal for John in Crossroad Blues, and has ten years to live. Beautifully done and heartbreaking.
Thirty Days by
kellifer_ficDean gives Sam a month to work on breaking the deal. Heartbreaking and believable. Oh, Dean...
Three Gifts by
destinaThree Gifts Sam Gave Dean (whether he wanted them, or not) A little bit adorable, a lot heartbreaking. *sniffle* Oh, boys...
Treat Her Like a Lady by
causewaysDean is cursed into wining and dining, well, Sam. Hilarious. (Wincest)
A Week in Stanford by K Hanna Korossy
Slowly unfolding look at the week after Jess died, from Sam's grief-stricken POV. Lovely and sad.