Title: Now You’re Really Living
missalicebluePairing: Peter/Claire.
Rating: PG to be safe. Mostly canon.
Status: Completed one-shot. 3500 words
Summary: Claire misses Peter. A whole lot. Angst and fluff for
iamlillykane’s birthday.
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I enjoyed the way you let Claire go through all those different emotions--the shock, the grief, the anger, the acting out. And then how she processes more shocks as they come along. I could just hear Sandra saying she's having some kind of fit, because this isn't normal. LOL. What a wonderful summation and it really does sound like something she'd say.
You dress her beautifully, too. *g* That cannot be said enough. I love how you can focus on something so specifically like what she's wearing, and yet, keep it so natural in the scene that it doesn't stand out as fashion-plating the character.
Also? Perfect Angela voice in the car. Loved it when you described it as bitchy apologetic. How wonderfully Angela. And Claire's reaction to her was in character with their past interactions, too.
Warning: Tangent ahead.
You know, one of the things that pissed me off to no end about this messed up mini-season is that all the things that were hinted at or rooted in the fertile soils of our interest/imagination last year were these new connections. Like Angela and Claire. I remember thinking it was awesome when Angela more or less told Claire that she understood her completely, because Claire reminded her of *herself* at that age. Why couldn't we have moved towards an exploration of that dynamic? I think Adrian Pasdar said it best in an interview I was reading just this week, when he said Heroes went huge, it went global and it turns out that huge wasn't what people wanted. We wanted the intimacy of relationships and ties that people had to each other, and your Peter/Claire stories always highlight those, in a way I wish the show did. From the Petrelli family dynamics, to the Bennets and of course, Peter and Claire, at the heart of it. I just wish, sometimes, that TPTB could take us on these journeys onscreen. They're so worth exploring.
But for now, I'm grateful that you'll take us there.
lol. youre too nice to me. thank you so much for your kind review, honestly.
and your tangent is totally spot on in my point of view. pasdar too. lets hope they get back to that next season. if there is a next one. geez. can you imagine that we might have to go another 9 months before an episode after monday night?
I'm envisioning a positive outcome. Ohmmmm.
And hoping like hell.
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