Hiro Tamaki
Title: Captain
Age: 24
Place of Birth: Ihori (Izora-Kashi)
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Deep Brown
Detailed Description:
Hiro is around 5'7", with a thin build through the shoulders and hips. His hair has a fluffy texture - shaggy around his face to obscure his eyes. His hair a tawny, dark, nondescript brown. His eyes are chocolate color - plain - which helps when infiltrating camps or cities. His skin is a tanned dark peach from working in the sun. Hiro has no identifying marks.
Shihiro Shugi
Title: Vice-Captain
Age: 19
Place of Birth: Iso
Hair Color: Silver-grey
Eye Color: Clear Blue
Detailed Description:
Shihiro stands just under 5'6", shoulders swelling but a long build. He's still small - smaller then Renji - but he's reaching the bare end of his puberty, growing inches without people noticing. Shihiro's voice is the most mature aspect of him - he covers his face simply because it's a custom in his family to do so. Shihiro comes from a long line of shinobi form the Shore house - and he is the first out of his family to serve another Master in another House. His hair is a grayish-starlight white that normally sits swayed over to one side - floppy and unkempt. His eyes are a clear ocean blue. There are a numerous scars on his body - his most prominent one (the one he actively shows off) is the scar over his throat that he received on a mission with Minabi.
Akihiko Samus
Title: Vice-Captain
Age: 21
Place of Birth: Natsuko
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey/Green
Detailed Description:
Samus stands just over 5'6", skinny, lethal build. She has wide hips and shoulders and long looking legs. Her face is pointed - her eyes are very bright against her skin. She has the opposite build of Minabi - very thick through the ankles and wrists, heavy on the shoulders and her legs. Samus can take a beating pretty well - preferring hand to hand combat over swordplay. Thus, her knuckles and her face have small knocks of scars from fights. Her mouth is drawn down in a perpetual frown - it's not in Samus' character to smile all that often.
Heroichi Renko
Title: Vice-Captain
Age: 19
Place of Birth: Kareibain
Hair Color: Light brown/blonde
Eye Color: Grey/White
Detailed Description:
Renko stands at 5'6", easy. His build is nondescript, as is his face - but he's toned under his clothes. the structure of his body leaves everything to the imagination - his shoulders are a little broader, letting shirts hang off of him, and his hips are a little to skinny. He looks rather disheveled, if one ever actually gets a look at him, hair mostly unkempt and feathery. The scar on his face attacks almost no attention - his white-blind, damaged eye either - if you aren't staring at him for long periods of time, you really don’t notice the blackened scar on his face. He's tanned from living on his home island for the majority of his young life - his face is still a little round for him, but he's growing out of that.
Korasaka Daichi
Title: Lt.
Age: 22
Place of Birth: Hatasuzora
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Sea green (Sirin eyes)
Detailed Description:
Despite living on an island his whole life, Daichi is pale - surprisingly so. He's 5'8", built through the shoulders and toned through the rest of him - he's not as narrow as he seams. Daichi has a fidgety personality, and it shows through his fingers and his face. His hair is weathered-black. His eyes are swirled - there isn't an exact pupil in Siren eyes. The two half’s of the twists in his eyes circle around where a pupil would sit. He's marked as a Siren - three vertical lines under his left eye - a mark of pride from his home land. He has a unique looking arc-scar on his belly, and strangely it's something that Daichi flat out refuses to talk about.
Watakuni Suki
Title: Lt.
Age: 20
Place of Birth: Ihori
Hair Color: Brown-black
Eye Color: Light brown
Detailed Description:
Suki is small in every way that Minabi is, muscles packed tight in a small body. She's almost 5'4, but she has a little bulk to her that adds to her weight. She's strong for her size - built in a surprising way - and manages to makes herself look petite with the clothes she wears. She always manages to look rather put together - piece together, almost, in a practiced way. She's tanned in the same way Hiro is. Her hands and feet are rough and calloused - she has a tendency to forget what shoes are and their purpose - and she has scraps on her knees and a lovely set of dagger scars on her back. Suki holds the majority of her scars on her sides - up from her armpits to her knees - from injuries she inflicted on herself while training with a new weapon.
Makani Kyoko
Title: Lt.
Age: 23
Place of Birth: Inazama
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Detailed Description:
Kyoko, at 5'9", is the tallest female Ni in the house. Coming from a desert country, her skin has been turned the deepest of browns, marking her the darkest Ni in the house as well. Kyoko is long and lean - her build different then any of the other females in the house; large hips and small chest, wide shoulders and long arms. Kyoko has a long reach and nimble fingers of a heavy Jutsu user, but her pride is in her ears and eyes. She has exceptional hearing and hawk-like eyesight. She can decipher codes and languages quickly. Kyoko has not noticeable scars.
Inoue Melody
Title: Minor 3rd Captain, 1st Squad
Age: 23
Place of Birth: Kaeribana
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Detailed Description:
Mel is short, 5'4", but well rounded. She fills out her thin shoulders well, skinny through the hips - more a chakra user then a fighter. She has long hands and fingers, a sweet and free smile that she feels obligated to hand out to everyone. She keeps her hair long - having to shave it when she was training as a little girl. She's considered Shihiro's favorite by her entire squad - for some reason, it seems, the Vice-captain enjoys the sound of her voice and her smile. She has a calming effect on people - but she can be ruthlessly impersonal if she wants to be. Mel is very careful with herself - told through her careful steps and words.
Ishri Loki
Title: Minor 3rd Vice-captain, 1st Squad
Age: 21
Place of Birth: Nantsuno
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Grey
Detailed Description:
Loki is the shortest of the three boys - 5'4" himself. He has a lazy, sleepy look about him that covers his almost picture perfect memory. He's the recon agent of the small team - keeps a catalog of things in his head that he can recall easily. He enjoys books, but his build is made for a fighter. His shoulders are built and wide, but he holds himself in a fridge way that extinguishes and fear he could place in anyone. He's toned, but not that strong - bested in speed only by Reet. He's the tactician of the team - making up plans and easily relaying them to the others with the fewest amounts of words. He has no important scars to speak of.
Maeda Reet
Title: Minor 3rd Squad member, 1st Squad
Age: 20
Place of Birth: Gain
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Detailed Description:
Is angry. At 5'6", he's skinny and lanky. Reet is lean, built for stealth and sneaking, all long limbs and dark eyes. His eyes are black, based on his Shadow Jutsu use - one of three in the southern part of Japan. Reet has stitching scars over his lips and long cuts on the small of his back. His voice is very rough and wild - husked and damaged - the marks of strangulation long gone but the effect still haunts him. Reet has a myriad of tattoos on him, different sizes and shapes, that spell out Jutsu's on his skin and mark him as a Shadow user.
Kikuchi Junto
Title: Minor 3rd Squad member, 1st Squad
Age: 23
Place of Birth: Taki
Hair Color: sun-bleached brown
Eye Color: green with flecks of gold
Detailed Description:
Junto stands 5'10", with a thicker frame then the other three. He's long in the legs more-so then his arms. His skinny is a creamy baked peach, not to much time outside when he was growing. He has a kind, dumb air about him - very free with floppy smiles and a light heart. He's ruthless when killing though - an expert of pressure points and hand-to-weapon combat. Junto has little scars to speak of - save the fact that some of the nerves in his face are dead - his ability to heal catches up to him to quickly. Coming from the Wind House, Junto inherited the Blood Jutsu of the Golden Talons, which - when called upon - give him claw like hands over his own and a rapid healing ability. His eyes often change to gold when he uses his chakra.