Tue, 23:14: Did I just find a website where I can watch Detective Conan from the beginning?! WAAAAHHHH! 😍 Episode 1 out of 889… https://t.co/0Acu11i5uG
Tue, 23:25: I was honestly not made for any 9-5 jobs. I'm too much of a nightowl. And my childhood dream is coming back. Thank… https://t.co/nPKGDVJGMg
Wed, 01:35: My heart hurts seeing Nadal retire prematurely. I'm a Roger fan but I'm appalled at these people thinking he's usin… https://t.co/qaNaBmFseC
Wed, 01:54: When you're highly emotional and analytical at the same time. Deadly combination for arguments, I guess. No wonder… https://t.co/if3Vdwoq6M
Wed, 02:28: I wonder how long it would take me to finish up a series with 889 episodes worth 22,225mins? If I do a marathon...😨… https://t.co/FWYE4bd4Ju
Wed, 04:27: You know your dog was a human in her past life when she only eats what you eat, and would only sit and sleep wherever you are. Oh girl...
Wed, 04:29: If the call is to make people uncomfortable with the truth then so be it. Idgaf about reputation and whatnot anymore.