Mar 14, 2005 16:58
BaD eViL sTuFf: dont do drugs
DevilsKisses314: why not
BaD eViL sTuFf: cuz the come down is such a let down
BaD eViL sTuFf:
BaD eViL sTuFf: LMAO
BaD eViL sTuFf: sorry
DevilsKisses314: lol nice
BaD eViL sTuFf: so cool huh
DevilsKisses314: yes it is lol
BaD eViL sTuFf: im still trying to figure out how 2 make a guy and girl one do it
DevilsKisses314: lol really
BaD eViL sTuFf:
/|\ __:-*
/\ j o\\
BaD eViL sTuFf: best i could do
DevilsKisses314: lol nice
BaD eViL sTuFf: thats fucking awsome
BaD eViL sTuFf: i love u
BaD eViL sTuFf: i love u like a fat kid loves cake
DevilsKisses314: ahh really
BaD eViL sTuFf: lmao
BaD eViL sTuFf: thats the greatest
BaD eViL sTuFf: im so f-ing funny
BaD eViL sTuFf: u dont even know
BaD eViL sTuFf: im the funnies f-er in this mother f-ing world
BaD eViL sTuFf: f* f* f_iddy f*
BaD eViL sTuFf: i dont like saying the f--- word
BaD eViL sTuFf: i mean
BaD eViL sTuFf: fuck is so cool
BaD eViL sTuFf: but
BaD eViL sTuFf: f--k is better
BaD eViL sTuFf: cuz its like
BaD eViL sTuFf: fsudafaj;kFUCK U!
BaD eViL sTuFf: u know
BaD eViL sTuFf: when ur all angry and cant think onf anything
BaD eViL sTuFf: and then u stab someone in the face
BaD eViL sTuFf: u know
BaD eViL sTuFf: u know
BaD eViL sTuFf: yeah u know
DevilsKisses314: yea i know
BaD eViL sTuFf: i wish i was a puppy
BaD eViL sTuFf: they get pussy all the time
BaD eViL sTuFf: damn cats
BaD eViL sTuFf: mwhehehehehehe
BaD eViL sTuFf: if i wass an azn id eat pussy anytime
BaD eViL sTuFf: cuz when pussys on a noddle i can eat pssy all the time
BaD eViL sTuFf: do dodo
BaD eViL sTuFf: cuz u know
BaD eViL sTuFf: they eat cat
BaD eViL sTuFf: get it
BaD eViL sTuFf: uh hu uh hu
BaD eViL sTuFf: guck guck guck
DevilsKisses314: lol yea definately
BaD eViL sTuFf: mary jane is my loveer
BaD eViL sTuFf: i am gonna smoke her!
BaD eViL sTuFf: dododo
BaD eViL sTuFf: oww!
DevilsKisses314: lol
BaD eViL sTuFf: watch me now
BaD eViL sTuFf: dunnananana cant touch me
BaD eViL sTuFf: i went into like 3 songs
BaD eViL sTuFf: wooha
BaD eViL sTuFf: whoaa*
BaD eViL sTuFf: ahhhhhh
BaD eViL sTuFf: damn monkeys that are spiders
BaD eViL sTuFf: LAMP!
BaD eViL sTuFf: hello
DevilsKisses314: what r you talking about
BaD eViL sTuFf: welcom
BaD eViL sTuFf: e
BaD eViL sTuFf: to
BaD eViL sTuFf: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
BaD eViL sTuFf: ::boom::
BaD eViL sTuFf: u just been takin over by
BaD eViL sTuFf: word up radio
DevilsKisses314: lol nice
BaD eViL sTuFf: the only underground radio station
BaD eViL sTuFf: that gives u the music u want to hear
BaD eViL sTuFf: now go
BaD eViL sTuFf: ::puts in kick ass song::
BaD eViL sTuFf: wooohoaoo
BaD eViL sTuFf: ok
BaD eViL sTuFf: im dont now
BaD eViL sTuFf: im gonna go
DevilsKisses314: okay lol
DevilsKisses314: if you say so
BaD eViL sTuFf: pfft
BaD eViL sTuFf: bacon!
BaD eViL sTuFf: ok bye
BaD eViL sTuFf: !!!!!!!
BaD eViL sTuFf: im f--king going now
DevilsKisses314: OKAY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BaD eViL sTuFf: BYE! hehe
DevilsKisses314: what the fuck